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Posts posted by Berry

  1. It will be a low scoring game, wouldn’t be surprised with a 0-0 or a 1-0 either way.

    I’ve not really seen anything of late that indicates we can win this one and Mortons tails might be up having scored and held Killie away.

    Dorrans I think will come straight back in and on him and Lawless to provide the creativity to get us the chances and whether McCann can take them.

    Heads currently in the Morton win by 1 camp at the moment but I’m struggling to call this one and wouldn’t be surprised if I change my mind come kick off.


  2. Can’t do much when we don’t have a decent midfield and carve out opportunities for him.

    He did pretty well at ICT and was knocking on the door of the international scene at the time he joined so he’s a calibre of player we should be having at our club.

    Also on being absolutely useless, think the majority fit in that category this season ..

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  3. I hope we keep and utilise Todorov. He’s proven in this division and providing we can give him the service he’s one more likely to put in the net than not. 

    Unless something has been going on, genuinely baffled how he isn’t getting a game considering where we are at the moment.

    As for Coll, not going to be one of those that says it’s a good signing…because I’ve never heard of the bloke. Hope he does well and sounds like there will be more incomings today.

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  4. It’s been known for a while Omicron was less severe than Delta and it’s only now they start to be reluctantly letting that out through the media because the data is struggling to hold up and it will be spun that the rules they put in place were critical.

    Government need to be seen to be doing something, anything, but they’re simply making up rules now which quite frankly are laughable.

    The 500 rule for example, 90 mins in an outdoor space, yet we can all go to the pub watch it on the telly, get merry and then make a night of it that can last many hours, hell we’re welcome in England for a game and few pints.

    We’ve had this for over two years now, social distancing, mask wearing, not allowed to visit our family, at times only mixing with 3 households and 2 household pets…..

    Those that got vaccinated, many took it on the premise they would get their freedoms back but that hasn’t materialised and aren’t much better off than those that haven’t taken it.

    Those that were sceptical about it were just labelled conspiracy theorists and the ones to blame for all of this.

    The fear that Government have instilled on people is shameful, there are still many that are afraid to leave their house, many are testing daily despite having no symptoms or cases in the house.

    All whilst government are throwing parties and flouting the rules themselves.

    The impact this has had on the economy and how it will impact the years to come.

    They’ve managed to introduce vaccine passports which sets a dangerous precedent for the future.

    People have had enough, it’s time to just live our lives. Looking forward to the day where it feels normal to shake someone’s hand rather than debating whether that’s acceptable or whether we should be air high fiving, touching elbows or arses or what a lot seem to do is just cross the road and ignore you.

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  5. I’m assuming we can’t get our hands on volunteers who happen to be professional?

    I know we’re drifting slightly off topic of the thread but I think from what we do as a  club purely through volunteering, we do a pretty good job. Could do with a number of improvements though:

    1. The articles on the official webpage, normally there are typos which make it look less professional.

    2. The interviews we do with managers and players are a bit tedious, we don’t ask just short questions and let them answer, we ask the question and answer it for them. There is honestly little point in them the way they are done.

    3. ParsTV could do with a review, the site is slow, not always the most user friendly and quality can be hit and miss.

    4. Watched the Arbroath game and Raymie I thought did a great job as does the other boy, think just for the lead if there’s nothing going on feels like there’s an urge to fill the void with chat about something in the game that happened when reality is, it was nothing. Possibly worth doing some homework on player/club facts and have them in pocket in advance and raise if relevant to the game in any way, otherwise, nothing wrong with just not saying anything.

    Bloody difficult I imagine commentating on what we serve up I fully appreciate!

    5. Yet to see anything really different since the new custodians come in, from what i heard about St Pauli and how fan centric they were etc, I was expecting more by now.

    When I run through these, it begs the question whether we actually need professionals or just a little bit of coaching for those that currently do the job. We aren’t that far off in truth.


  6. Football

    Rugby Union

    American Football (multiple trips to International Series in London)

    Darts (multiple times, the tournament they had at Ingleston and did a Premier League event in Belfast)

    Touring Cars at Knockhill…if that counts

    Golf - once Scottish Open, at Castle Stuart, the time when it was thudding down with rain and caused loads of delays.

    Hockey - just to see the Fife Flyers, again a few times.

    Biggest eye opener was the golf, followed Lee Westwood and Molinari for a bit and let’s just say it’s not the gentleman sport and all the correct etiquette that I thought it was.

  7. There lies the issue though that is the biggest gripe for fans. Those that bought a season ticket did so on the premise that where at all possible the club will make every effort to let them attend. They didn’t do that for Arbroath and looks to be the same for ICT.

    We have the opportunity to let 500 in, give more fans a little more value for their ST that they were asked to pay for up front and we didn’t bother.

    Too much hassle it comes across as whereby 500 holders should have the right to attend because they paid for it. Not ideal we can’t let everyone in but that’s with the Government, to not let anyone in is on us and is poor form.

  8. I’m not defending the pics you’ve shared in that goal.

    Whenever we’ve played well, it’s been Dorrans that has been the standout with his distribution and with the career he’s had I think he’s more of an asset than many others in our squad at the moment.


  9. All valid RosythPar, I think the issue is the perception that we’re a big club and should be up there challenging, we haven’t been that kind of team for a while now.

    When we lose two/three on the trot the daggers are always coming out. It certainly hasn’t helped with the manner in which the Grant appointment was made.

    If we want to return to the good days we need to accept where we are, a bang average team that are battling relegation in the Championship.

    As fans we have to accept that this is going to take a few seasons to get right and that it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

    We need a competent manager in place and stick with him through the inevitable tough periods and accept losses are going to happen. I’m hoping Hughes is that man, he wasn’t my first choice but I’m in no position where my thoughts would carry any weight.

    We have the German custodians, the new developments in Rosyth happening, to all extent and purposes a lot of positive things happening around our club.

    We just need to be patient, but it is going to be very difficult if we serve up performances as lacklustre as yesterday.

    I must mention Dorrans, he seems to get a lot of stick and I genuinely think he’ll be one of those players you don’t realise what you had until he leaves. At our level, to have someone like Dorrans is a positive.

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  10. Seem to be in the minority but I was ok with the decision to play on, not convinced at this stage whether delaying a few games was going to provide any benefit, nothing at the moment to suggest the restrictions wont continue and it’s difficult for clubs who still have players wages to pay for etc, to wait a few weeks only to potentially have the same restrictions still in place is a risk probably too high for some, odds of that happening are potentially low but with how fluid the situation seems to be..

    From a fan perspective, I just want this season done with, the 500 entry I’m disappointed we didn’t bother to try and accommodate, I wasn’t a fan of a ballot, just a first come first serve online would’ve done the trick, ST holders only, if you miss out so be it, you have to just keep these things simple and try not to cater for every situation, you aren’t going to be able to please everybody.

    Just to end that I’ve read this thread in its entirety and the calibre of dialog and debate is high and refereshing, appreciate the topic but been quite enjoyable to read.


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  11. Firstly, fair play to Arbroath, they cruised it without breaking a sweat, Dick couldn’t have asked for it to have gone any better.

    I don’t think they necessarily showed why they are top at the moment but that’s because they didn’t need to, that was an Arbroath team that didn’t even leave first gear.

    As for us, I think we lack a team that wants to play for the shirt, whilst capability was always limited, you couldn’t fault the likes of Falkingham & Geggan when they were here. We don’t really have that kind of player which is what we need. 

    We need to stop playing the youngsters, no disrespect and I know the team as a whole are not performing but when you are fielding a team with Breen, Edwards, Todd, Allan, McCann, that isn’t going to cut it even if they were playing well. We keep fielding them, I’m honestly calling relegation now, we’re far too soft with them in.

    I do worry a little about the new developments and academy, great in principle but we need to cast the talent pool wider than fife if we’re going to benefit, although sure that’s what they’ll be looking to do.

    We have to start playing players that can influence games and get them performing as make no mistake they’ve been poor as well. We need to bring in better calibre players in January which I’m not even sure is going to be possible with what will be available.

    Dow needs to pull his finger out, Wighton needs to show more interest, we need to play Todorov up front. O’Hara needs to start, Kennedy needs to start.

    We are in serious trouble and if we’re going to go down, I’d rather we went down fighting playing our ‘best’ players and get them motivated again, a task I’d firmly expect Yogi should be expected to achieve.

    I remember the Cowdenbeath playoff games where the return leg we got beat and we didn’t play Callum Morris, not saying that’s the reason why we lost but it’s a game he should’ve played.



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  12. We’re just not a very good team, Arbroath haven’t done anything but are so comfortable at the moment.

    You have Dow who is just not the player of old, Wighton doesn’t look bothered half the time and appreciate they are youngsters but when you are in a relegation battle and you put out Todd, Allan and McCann alarm bells should be ringing. Edwards as well had a great season under Crawford, not working out for him lately either.

    No excuse for the goal conceded as well, just awful defending when under no pressure.



  13. Raith did very well first half, could have scored three.

    Thought Comrie had a poor game which is rare, Zanatta had him in his back pocket but understand it’s difficult when you’re asked to be an attacking full back and then we give the ball away recklessly whilst he’s up the pitch which is how the goal came about really, he was belting back, couldn’t stop momentum when the boy cut it back and a decent enough finish. Summed us up.

    Second half we played better but not sure how much of it was us actually improving against Raith being a little more tentative.

    I thought the Wighton goal should’ve stood, I watched on BBC Scotland and his head was offside but benefit of the doubt to the attacker should’ve taken place.

    OFW pulled off the best save I’ve seen in a while.

    The most frustrating of all, we get the equaliser and then we don’t carry the momentum that should come with it, went back in our shell and we’re favourites to lose, lucky to get away with a point.



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  14. What’s more worrying than the results, this just doesn’t feel like my club anymore.

    We’ve to continue to be thankful that the Board helped save our club, just so we can sit and watch rancid football and what is looking like a relegation battle.

    This was the easiest start to a fixture list for us as well, not even got to the hard games yet.


  15. Do you think if we signed say Petrie as manager…and he had this start would we be calling for his resignation?

    I wouldn’t have thought so, sometimes you have to bring in the right kind of manager that will appeal to the fans, that gives them a little bit of breathing space from the get go.

    Nobody wanted Peter Grant, so anything other than a good start he was doomed, put that on the board rather than Grant himself.

  16. Not advocating him to stay but think it’s very difficult for the board to sack him three games into a season, nothing in their previous handling of these situations indicates they have that sort of conviction to do that. Also now the season is off and running, really are limited with replacement options I would’ve thought.

    We’ve dug ourselves a rather big hole.

    We’re meant to be winning the league this season…

  17. Really no point trying to summarise the game after thinking about it.

    What’s frustrating is we didn’t look like winning, haven’t done in all three games to date. Kai Kennedy the only one that really tried to take the game to them posed a threat, he deserved a goal.

    Thought the foul on the keeper was a soft one, but not surprised it was given. 

    That’s twice now Todorov has missed a header at point blank range, both superb saves don’t get me wrong, but he needs to finish them, keepers shouldn’t be having the chance to save them.

    The one plus, we’ll 100% see OFW in goals for the foreseeable.


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