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Pars v Caley Tuesday 13/03/18


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Pars sitting 6th against Caley sitting 8th in the league, tonight at East End.

I'm heading along, mainly to give the club the entrance fee after the lack of home games recently.

Not too optimistic about us gaining a win given our present form and our record against Caley, so I'll say I expect a draw at best.

If we lose I think we'll hear the voices of dissent grow louder among the crowd.


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AJ should definitely go if they can’t defeat a long defunct Highland League team!

I get the tongue in cheek reference, but, who replaces AJ?

There was a thread recently that asked the question, if I remember rightly, and it seems folk were lacking choices. 

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I wasn’t being serious about giving him the boot tonight - that is actually the first time I have heard Caley used to describe an Inverness team since the merger happened.*

I can see from a comment that lay dormant on the Owen Coyle thread that you maybe take after your old man when it comes to sensitivity to Highlanders ?

Even if AJ is replaced in the close season there is no obvious candidate I think.


* Except in the famous Sun headline 

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My general opinion is he's lost the dressing room. I also think he's run his course and we need fresh initiative. That said nothing wrong him staying till the summer if he can get results.

I still think these next 3 games are the most crucial of the season so far for AJ. Don't think the Board will be seeing this as acceptable and being honest it isn't.

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Guest The Beer Baron

Really difficult to say, there's no clear favourite nor anyone I'd definitely say "aye, he fits the bill perfectly."

Coyle? Probably out of our wage range and his recent record is atrocious.

McIntyre? Previously at club, not a huge engagement with the fans but has got us up before and learned from his time in the Premiership.

Petrie? Can't imagine it'd cost too much to get him from Montrose but is it too early? Also, as I've said previously I'd hate to see his reputation with the fans tarnished if it backfired.

Neilson? Possibly too expensive, but I'd be delighted if we could get him. I really rate his managerial ability overall.


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Really difficult to say, there's no clear favourite nor anyone I'd definitely say "aye, he fits the bill perfectly."

Coyle? Probably out of our wage range and his recent record is atrocious.

McIntyre? Previously at club, not a huge engagement with the fans but has got us up before and learned from his time in the Premiership.

Petrie? Can't imagine it'd cost too much to get him from Montrose but is it too early? Also, as I've said previously I'd hate to see his reputation with the fans tarnished if it backfired.

Neilson? Possibly too expensive, but I'd be delighted if we could get him. I really rate his managerial ability overall.


McKinnon if he wants it 

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Guest The Beer Baron

McKinnon? Again, not sure if he'd fit the bill with regards to clicking with the fans. Then again, any manager that get's us winning and in the chase for promotion would have the goodwill.

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Hartley doing very well at Falkirk but doubtful we'd be able to afford to get him out of his contract.  I expect his wages will be quite a stretch too.

Neilson will likely have options elsewhere I suspect, and thatll drive his wages upwards.

Id likely to see if Petrie can take a step up a level first, but, at the same time, if he failed us, he'd lose that legendary status he has here.  

AJ did turn things round last season, in time for the run in, so perhaps a little harsh just now.  Maybe a bit late now looking at the form of others.

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