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SanguinePar last won the day on July 17

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  1. If that's the case then I kind of fear for our future at East End Park, as I suspect that's the first thing they'd want to cut.
  2. Is this where we find out that Sammy has been embezzling for years, leveraging his complex and intertwining international networks of contacts, operatives and enforcers to funnel money back home to Dick and Bert?
  3. Interested to see how many show up for this game. It's a dead rubber obviously (thanks to @kelty_par for correcting me on that the other day!), the general mood among is pretty low (or worse), and if we lose it we'll finish bottom of the group. I could see us getting below 1000 for this one tbh. I'm not sure if I'll be there myself.
  4. That's a great pic @scottyboy - I liked when the stand had those slightly different shades on the front, more character than the whole thing being just a single block of colour like now. Do you know when that was? I'm wondering if it was a big televised game as those grey trucks might be outside broadcast vehicles (and IIRC the cameras usually went in the main stand then, not above the north stand as now.)
  5. Except when Bertie played him up front sometimes.
  6. Seems a very large amount for a club our size to be paying anyone. However, I guess it's possible.
  7. Not out yet (I don't think?), although it looks tough. Need Spartans to beat Forfar, then Livi to beat Spartans and us to beat Cove, and also need to improve GD vs Spartans by a couple. Actually, is it GD or head to head record first? If GD, the above applies, and we could also make it if Forfar and Spartans draw, we beat Cove and Livi beat Spartans. If it's head to head first, then the first scenario would apply, but GD wouldn't matter.
  8. Not yet. In fact I was amazed at how restrained the booing was against Forfar, although admittedly it wasn't a big crowd to begin with. Agree that if we do badly against Cove and/or Falkirk, it'll likely be worse.
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd1xe8p1pq1o Maybe a bit unusual for a football forum, but wanted to mark the passing of Bob Newhart, one of the great comedians IMO. His standup work in the 50s and 60s was truly groundbreaking and, more importantly, hilariously funny. We used to listen to a tape of his stuff on car journeys when I was a kid - Newhart on one side and Billy Connolly on the other, and I pretty much learned both of them by heart. He died at the age of 94, so it's not exactly a surprise, but I'm truly saddened to hear that he's gone. If you don't know his work, it's worth seeking out. Funny, smart, good-natured and unlike anyone else I can think of. R.I.P. Bob.
  10. It probably wouldn't be popular, but I'd take him back. Although only if we started playing with proper wingers, and not wingbacks.
  11. Magic, order placed. Thanks very much for putting that up @parsforlife Worth noting that this pre-order is only available until 5pm on Monday 22nd July. I've got mine in now, because I've no faith that I'll want to do so after Saturday! ;-)
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