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parsforlife last won the day on October 16

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  1. That's what I mean, your in a section where that behavior is expected and should be allowed to continue, if you go into the NW and are upset by swearing then it's not those swearing that are in the wrong, you have just picked an inappropriate section.
  2. It might be a good job you're not in the family section, but if you're not in the family section then your behavior shouldn't be judged by that standard, there is a clear designated section where there is less tolerance towards swearing etc, if that's what you want then go sit there, it's never full. Stewards can remove you if they are SIA licensed but if there's a police presence they'll tend to call them in first.
  3. As said, its pointless if they are not going to take action at the fixtures that problems are caused at. I can understanding wanting to reduce the overcrowding in that area. But it shouldn't be that hard to manage. Steward at top of both sets of steps with a scanner to confirm valid ticket for that section. steward at bottom of steps to prevent walking along from other sections.
  4. I genuinely would try for the ****fested 0-0. We do have major issues going forward and that's an issue but we're not going to fix that in a week and it's time to accept reality, 0-0 away against a team in very good form at the opposite end of the table is a good result. Even our egos find that difficult to accept. 4-5-1, fullbacks never beyond halfway. Kane isolated up front to win free kicks and relieve pressure. Kill the clock and keep the ball when we do have possession. Time to show we do have the tricks of the trade up our sleeves
  5. Both of these can be true and I think they are. We can't become successful unless we address both. Neither will be addressed until we can sort out our ownership. I'm a bit frustrated that GBMH who clearly were hesitant for months tried to dictate things towards the end of last season, let the main part of the transfer window go buy and then decide they wanted out. Had they decided to leave at a more appropriate time we wouldn't be facing this chaos in the early part of the season.
  6. Unlike last season, with clay available I don't think we are as desperate to have Hamilton or Otoo in midfield. I'd prefer Otoo up there but I suspect there is still doubt over ngwenya's fitness. Hamilton has been playing well at CH and I'm happy to keep him there. don't know why fogarty isn't playing tho .
  7. Aye, we're all just sitting around hoping those in power will make the right decision and we get new owners who will move us forward. It feels like we are only hoping that the results in the meantime are relatively immaterial before a takeover. i just hope there's enough contribution that staying up is realistic when new owners comes in. It's a disgraceful situation but it doesn't feel like there's anything to be done as a fan to help.
  8. It was never a serious offer. He took over Nuneaton Borough not even a year ago and liquidated them 3 months later. They are in severe financial trouble and typically those that have made offers have been fantasists/ con men. Admin has always been then best way out where serious parties will look to take the club on.
  9. It's certainly not a nice situation. FWIW savage doesn't have control, he's acting as a consultant currently. He's has said he'd try and employ anyone made redundant within his own company. Theres suggestions of other interested parties but normally at this stage it can be vultures jumping in
  10. He probably could, but he's already donated a 6 figure sum over a few months to keep them afloat. He could significantly reduce his net worth and keep things going, but there's a lot of **** that needs cleared in the background from the previous directors. He either pays off previous directors who have caused the ****show and are still trying to control assets. Or he saves them out of admin for maybe 10% of that. If your were him, who would you think should be the ones losing out? He needs administration to clear the decks and deal with the problems in the background as well as the direct losses.
  11. I think savage has said he'll cover their fees
  12. The money is being raised directly by the club instead of the supporters trust as an example, however reading the update from today it's likely the call to BDO to go ahead for admin and that the money raised will be used to cover expenses during the admin period, so it may serve a purpose in the way the save the pars phase did.
  13. It was a stupid idea anyway, that £82k that will disappear when it could have gone towards getting them out of admin once it inevitably happens.
  14. TBF it was kinda easy this week with only 9 games played. If you won you were just about guaranteed a player to be in.
  15. Oh aye, sprint 30 yards out of position, dive in, get beat and the team loses a goal cos of your madness. 'X was brilliant today, love that passion, he was the only one who tried to stop the goal.
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