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Al k

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Al k last won the day on July 11

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About Al k

  • Birthday 14/08/1979

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  1. It's almost like the players he's signed or inherited can't play his defensive formation.
  2. Did you hit the shrooms too? 😂
  3. I'd argue we need a central midfielder. Mahon, Moffat and O'Halloran have all been wasted so far. Unless he's planning to change formation.
  4. And play in central midfield or wingback.
  5. Another emergency meeting to be called like last season?
  6. I can't understand how its so bad, I bet they use a cheap 4g through a re-seller and they are getting network congestion from the carrier as they aren't directly through O2, voda, etc.... Or other clubs are using proper internet.
  7. I'd doubt it but at least hes saying something about.
  8. Normally I'd say your crazy for a statement like that in July. I'm 65% there, I even gave Grant benefit until I saw the line-up against The Rangers in the cup game. No desire to change things even after being proved wrong with a different formation. If He's played 5 at the back again and McCann's been upfront on his own. KRH playing RWB or in the middle of midfield then that changes to 95%. Hes really not helping himself, never mind the arse Meggles and the board are making of everything else. Gonna have to be some rabbits we start pulling out of hats for the next "signings". Can hardly even play the ones hes signed so far in their positions. Theres only been two seasons after a preseason iv thought we are going down. Davie Hay and Peter Grant, im now on my 3rd.
  9. It is a shambles, manage to make bigger arse of it every preseason.
  10. Mccann playing alone up top? 😐
  11. Jan thats why I suggested a six month deal now for someone.
  12. Yeah but its something. Hes played to a relatively good standard at youth. We needed something welcome aboard Kai.
  13. Where as this is a better update IMO.
  14. Yeah was just about to post that. I know we bang on about lack of communication but thats brutal. 4 keepers well bring the best one in and negotiate with the other three. Repeat until fade, once we have 2 keepers then see about being fussy if you want a third. Or get someone in on a six month loan. We can then have the kid as third option in the squad.
  15. Good luck to him, great to see the squad in such good shape that an attacker can go on loan while we have two injured or carrying knocks.
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