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Al k

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Everything posted by Al k

  1. Unless we can start pulling wins out the hat best hope is the play-offs. The Ayr and Morton results have been killers for us. I'm not confident on those either, our records appalling in them.
  2. Why is it always our home games? Don't we lose enough money from the SPFL's shocking deal already. From all the games shown over the last two years i can only think of two games those we the Rovers games that were away.
  3. Here's another for them Don't Understand Nothing Failed Everyone Rumbled Massive Liars Ignorant Now Exposed
  4. The man is a clown, East Fifes first win since Crawford took over and first goals in 6 six games I think. If he'd half a brain he would have stayed at Kelty milking Tam Courts team he built.
  5. AJ Sacked and Glass out at Aberdeen. Was only a matter of time for both. Jack Ross to get one of the gigs?
  6. Not quite sure about the stats so far.
  7. Just now with the dug, lights on him and running. On auto settings in dimming light just shows the quality in phone cameras.
  8. Not a great result for us last night, suspect they will get a kick up the erchie this morning and have a point to prove on Saturday.
  9. Good news another signed up.
  10. Few of my favourites from around Cornwall.
  11. I thought he resigned early January from the board?
  12. Bit disappointed in the end, I'd have hoped we would have made a bit more in the 2nd half. Still undefeated and Ayrs gained nothing in the end. COYP!
  13. Not at all, Ted Lowe very helpfully helped by saying where the colours were. "Steve is going for the pink ball - and for those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green."
  14. There was something about this in football a few years ago but nothing ever came from it.
  15. Having witnessed the comments over the last few years about covid, 5G and vaccines nothing surprises me now.
  16. Never don't even read his tweets. The man's a prat.
  17. The club captain making that statement too, he'd have been well advised to have stayed out given his past. I don't recall him apologising and can't find anything suggesting he did either. This whole situation is awful and every further action has made them look totally shambolic. The first thing they need to do is partner with an abuse charity, have someone do a talk with everyone at the club and show they are trying to make amends. Then start something within the local community. This should also be something being pushed within the whole football community, there are plenty of examples of footballer taking advantage of their status, not being held to account for their actions.
  18. Hoping for another win, Ayr have also picked up. Get some further daylight from another team. Not expecting as easy a ride as the last time.
  19. I cried a little reading Michal Hrivnak, slightly better than a hologram between the sticks if remember rightly.
  20. Is that inclusive of the pitch they put in? or was that the previous years figures? Also they had to put a good outlay on the now infamous floodlights, i suspect that would appear on next years figures.
  21. Missed a pen after the equalizer too.
  22. Truly baffling given the response when it had been rumoured a few weeks ago, add to that what appears to have been a fee paid and on a 2 and a half year contact for someone in their mid 30's. No rights in any of this, a lot of fans quite rightly in uproar im not sure Rovers can really afford any of this PR wise or the costs keeping or getting rid. A lot of damage done with this.
  23. Especially if the name's Eck.
  24. After the Morton game I couldn't see how anything would change to stop us going down. Hats off to Yogi, he tweaked the formation and only dropped two points in the last three games with two clean sheets. You could argue we were very lucky last week to only be one down at H/T, on the other foot we could easily have been further ahead in the two wins. A win next week could give us some proper breathing space Ayr have us, Partick and Killie next three, QOTS have Rovers, Patrick and Morton. Lawless has been a cracking signing and so far one much needed Midfielder still worried the squads a bit short for the long haul but still a couple of days left. Wilson hopefully coming back soon should help with numbers. Hopefully we can get McCann taking his chances, certainly looking a lot rosier now and we maybe a more attractive proposition to Yogi's spinning plate.
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