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GG Riva

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Everything posted by GG Riva

  1. Eddie - you're a top man! I'm pleased to have set you on the right path... 😉
  2. D'you think so, Keyser? Thanks for the offer but I won't be deleting anything. I'm comfortable with my assertion that the world would be a better place if there was more altruism and less selfishness. Sadly, years of Thatcherism instilled in much of the population an "I'm alright, Jack" mentality. I don't want to get too political, but you can see the fruits of yet another Tory Government who ensure they look after their own self interests and sod the rest.....
  3. If you read back you'll see that I said we'd been shafted by the SG and only kicked in the nuts by some of our fellow Championship clubs, Keyser. 🙂 Now you may believe it's OK to vote only in your self interest and state that everybody does it, but that doesn't make it right. If I can widen the argument, selfishness and self interest is one of the main reasons we have such an unequal, fecked up world. A couple of days ago, I watched a TV news clip, which showed hundreds of thousands of Covid vaccines being dumped in a European landfill sight because they had exceeded the use by date. Meanwhile, millions of people in poorer countries are unvaccinated due to a lack of vaccines. I also remember a year when Canada produced far more wheat than it could use, sell or store. Rather than donate it to the world's poor, it was loaded onto large ships and dumped in the ocean. ☹ I'd really love to hear the reasoning behind their decision, by those who voted against a suspension
  4. I can completely empathise with your anger and frustration, but I hope it's not directed at the Pars, who have been shafted by a late decision by the SG and then inexplicably kicked in the nuts by some of their fellow Championship clubs. The decision to play the next two games behind closed doors, is completely understandable, imo. Can you imagine the seethe and outrage by disappointed fans (including ST holders) who would have missed out, if 500 had been allowed in?
  5. I can't get my head round this at all. I was convinced that a 3 week suspension, with an opportunity to vote for a continuation or a resumption at the end of it, was a no brainer. At least 6 Championship clubs voted to carry on with the 500 fans ceiling regardless, in spite of having average attendances in 4 figures. I'm sure I could work out who they are by looking at the upcoming fixture list. I wonder how many of the chairmen/owners of these clubs gave even a passing thought to what their fans wanted? They may come to regret their decision if the restrictions continue beyond 3 weeks and a greater proportion of their home games are affected. We'll not be crying any crocodile tears for them.
  6. Should you not be buying me a pint for sharing such well informed news, Rab?
  7. It looks like the Premiership clubs have reached a compromise. They`ll play in front of 500 fans on Boxing Day and postpone the the New Year games. Brian McLauchlin BBC Sport Scotland I`ve had it confirmed, the games on Boxing Day will go ahead as planned. After that, the winter break for Premiership clubs will begin. The games that have postponed will be played on the week beginning 17 January and the second set the week beginning 31 January. Celtic will be happy, but I can`t say I understand the logic behind that decision.
  8. Words fail me. Turkeys and Christmas spring to mind. I believe the Pars and one other club were in favour of a suspension initially, but 1 or 2 others may have come on board at the last minute. Did any of the chairmen who voted to carry on, stop to consider what their fans wanted? I doubt it. I wonder if they've considered that these restrictions may well last longer than 3 weeks, so the financial hit may be even greater.
  9. He'd remember me alright, mate. We posed for a pic after he presented me with the trophy and he said something along the lines of "Well deserved - that's an excellent initiative you coordinate in the community." I replied, "Try telling that to Anne Budge. Have you seen her face? She thought she just had to turn up and collect the trophy." He roared with laughter at that point. Many a true word..... 😎
  10. Dear Gennaro, Good to hear from you and thank you for your email below. I can reassure you that the SPFL is conducting consultation with all 42 member clubs about the new restrictions. The SPFL Board will make a decision following that consultation process. The key difference between 1963 and 2021/22 is that there is considerably more fixture congestion now than was the case then. Let us see what the clubs wish to see happen. In the meantime, many thanks for taking the time to write to me with your views. Kind regards, Neil
  11. 😂🤣😂 I was especially careful not to mention the Sellick's home game on Jan 2, in case he had me down as a closet Tim. 😎
  12. I've taken it upon myself to write to the SPFL's CEO :- Good Morning Neil, I have been a supporter of Scottish football and a fan of Dunfermline Athletic since 1963. We met briefly at Tynecastle in April 2018, when I was delighted to accept the SPFL Trust's trophy for the Community Project of the Year, on behalf of Dunfermline Athletic. I learned with some dismay of the Scottish Government's decision to limit attendances at senior games to a maximum of 500 spectators, for at least 3 weeks from 26th December. While this may not impact significantly on some clubs in the lower leagues, it will cripple the finances of clubs like my own, who were already struggling to make ends meet, before these restrictions were announced. I believe it is incumbent on the SPFL to give its member clubs the democratic opportunity to decide the best way forward at this time. Clubs in each of the four leagues should be asked to vote on a proposal to suspend all games for 3 weeks from Boxing Day, with another vote scheduled at the end of that period to decide whether to resume matches or extend the postponements. A simple majority for each league would be required. Should any league return a tied vote, the SPFL would exercise a casting vote. While you may feel that a suspension could produce a huge backlog of matches, I would remind you that during the so-called Big Freeze of 1963, there was virtually no football played for over three months and the season was still completed by May 18th. I look forward to hearing from you.
  13. Well, here's my suggestion. Why does the SPFL not suspend all matches for 4-6 weeks? There's no summer WC next year so there's no reason the season could not be extended into May or even June.
  14. True, Digs. Franco Baresi injured his knee in a group game at USA 94. He had keyhole surgery and returned for the final v Brazil. Amazingly, he played the whole game, which went to ET and pens and was the best player on the park. Sadly, he missed one of the pens, along with Roby Baggio, which cost Italy the WC.
  15. I believe he applied for the Pars job after PG was sacked.....
  16. I`ve just finished reading a wonderful biography about the former Celtic, Everton, Leeds and Scotland international, Bobby Collins. Towards the end of his career, he played a couple of seasons (1968-69 and 1969-70) in a decent Morton team. He almost certainly played at EEP but I can`t remember him. One game was an eventful 5-3 win for the Pars. I think Roy Barry was sent off after about 10 mins, for questioning the linesman`s eyesight. 😃 At 68, I'm probably one of the oldest posters on here, if not the oldest. Anyone remember seeing him playing in the flesh?
  17. Don't know if you are aware that some refs instruct their assistants to flag only for throw ins and off sides and leave all other decisions to them. I have a pal who is a senior assistant ref and he told me it's quite a widespread practice. Eta. I've just realised the ref gave the pen after his assistant flagged for it. Pity he wasn't one of the refs I described above. 🙁
  18. Well, one thing is certain - they can't both be right. We'll find out soon enough, I expect. The fact that it's summer in S. Africa now, but far less people have been vaccinated, muddies the waters even further.
  19. I'm no expert, but this doctor is not a fan of our ineffable PM:- https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-boris-johnson-over-reacting-to-omicron-and-creating-hysteria-south-african-doctor-dr-angelique-coetzee-says-12495876
  20. What an interesting thread this is. So many well constructed responses. I've been a bit busy recently, but I've also been lying low after chucking in a controversial Neil Oliver clip, in a bid to stir up a bit of controversy - a serious misjudgement on my part and now one I genuinely regret. With regard to the immediate future of football in this country, it's hard to escape the conclusion that many games will be postponed and attendances will be restricted or for games which do go ahead, or even played behind closed doors. Why do I think that? Well, we'll probably exceed the psychological ceiling of 100,000 new daily cases over this weekend and it will induce enough panic among our political leaders to make them want to be seen to be doing something about it. Bolting horses and stable doors spring to mind.... Ironically, if the Omicron variant turns out to be as mild as some reports coming out of S. Africa are suggesting, it may actually help us all in the longer term. With a bit of good fortune, it may build up immunity in those who catch it, especially those who have declined to be vaccinated. The "herd immunity" which the Tory Government was pinning its hopes on in the early days of the pandemic, may actually come to pass and no doubt they'll try and claim the credit for it.....
  21. Opinions are like @rseh0les, everybody's got one. 🙂
  22. The clip was sent to me by a no Vax relative. You can see why he likes it.
  23. Food for thought? Or just another conspiracy theorist? Still, enjoyed him giving the Tories a good kicking. 🙂
  24. Yea, the best managers used to combine both roles, of course and the Pars were blessed with two who were different class - Jock Stein and Jim Leishman. We could have probably had Fergie, before or after St Mirren, but his style was a bit rough compared to Stein and Leish. As for the salary, Google suggests £20-22k for a newly qualified psychologist and around £35k for an experienced one. Many of our players will be earning something similar, don't you think?
  25. I see that Man U have appointed Sascha Lense "to help the players brains work with the body rather than against it" according to the manager. I believe most top clubs employ a sports psychologist and obviously feel it`s money well spent. We probably can`t afford one, but I can`t help thinking that, given our league position, a good sports psychologist might be a better addition than another average player. Thoughts?
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