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Expectations for this season


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I don't know about anybody else, but I am absolutely buzzing for this season.

Despite the sometimes desperate football that we saw last year, the new manager and players seem to have rekindled a real buzz about the place, which I think is reflected in the sales of season tickets for far.

I'm trying hard not to get carried away, but genuinely cannot wait until Saturday comes again!


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I think expectations will have been naturally heightened after yesterdays result, and even moreso, the manner of the performance.

A great start in terms of momentum going into the league season, but hopefully there is no complacency, and AJ has instilled real professionalism into the players to make sure they approach EVERY game with the right mindset.

If Faiss (and indeed others like Shaun Byrne) can keep this kind of form going, it will be as good as having signed new players IMO.

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