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I like to get off the beaten track when going out for my daily exercise. Part of my route the other day, took me along a minor road which connects the tiny hamlet of Forest Mill to Saline. I was astounded at the volume of assorted litter on both sides of the road for over half a mile as I left Forest Mill behind.

I'm well used to seeing litter on some of the more popular routes, deplorable though that undoubtedly is, I can rationalise it. Lots of (thoughtless? selfish?) people equates to lots of litter, but a minor road, hoaching with cans, glass and plastic bottles, plastic bags etc. Who's making such a special effort to go out off their way to chuck some litter out of their car window? I hardly think it's the the folk who live in the hamlet. Lucky if there are more than 20-30 houses.

I then took a right on a track which leads onto the Dunfermline -Alloa cycleway and saw some bags of rubbish dumped at the side of the road. Someone travelled a long way to spoil a nice bit of countryside. Would it not have been easier to take it to the dump at Wellwood? If it's closed they could have left it at the gate - not ideal but at least it would get sorted at some stage and not spoil a picturesque spot.

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I think the issue is that some councils wont lift a bucket if its over filled and/or filled with the wrong refuse.  Perhaps the reason buckets are over flowing is that folk are home more, eating lunches at home is new to them, eating breakfast at home may be new to them, and more waste is being generated.  Not that its excusable to drop litter, but perhaps there is a reason?  Im not sure how these people could justify that reasoning, but if they think its acceptable to litter, there is no way to argue with stupid people. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, Vinnie said:

@GG Riva should take these bags home, rake through them, see if there is an address, and then dump the crap at said address in the middle of the night just to teach these folk their lesson.

Yes and while I'm at it I'll go up to Forest Mill with a black bag and collect the assorted bottles, cans, plastic cups etc which have been inadvertently dropped out of car windows when folk were out for a drive....

The lack of social conscience demonstrated by some people makes me sad, angry and frustrated. Maybe we need to get back to a campaign we had years ago. It consisted of beautiful, scenic pictures with the slogan, "Scotland is beautiful - Don't spoil it with litter."

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