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Jimmy Calderwood


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He cam across as feeling sorry for himself.

He was being groomed for the Rangers job unless he's lying but why would he?

His obvious 'respect' for Masterton and Yorkston wouldn't hold him great stead by anyone who knew what happened at our club.

It was well known Masterton and David Murray were big pals and I never liked the perceived cosiness with Rangers. I know of other Scottish clubs I would rather we had been closer with than them.

Football has moved on since he managed us and even the other Scottish clubs he managed. Maybe he is seen as old fashioned and not professional enough, I don't know. Either way it wasn't a great advertisement on his part.

He did manage good players when with us, he did give us a Scottish cup final but his time is tainted because of the way he left.

I think he should try back in Holland and see if they've got anything for him. The fact he's trying here and not there might tell it's own story.

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Statistically, the Pars did very well under Calderwood, arguably punching well above our weight and second only to that magnificent purple decade in the 60s.

But putting it all in perspective - we were cheating, spending money we didn't have, in exactly the same way as Rangers. Calderwood was able to bring players from the likes of Aberdeen, Hibs and even Rangers fringe players to EEP. The highest earner back then was Stevie Crawford at 6K a week. Even after he reluctantly agreed a 30% cut, he was still earning more than Tony Blair - who was only the Prime Minister, after all.

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It was all rotten and it all collapsed.

Scottish football with it's ongoing restructuring (as clubs now embrace their supporters to help them run their clubs like never before) tells me enough about how clubs want to move on and leave those big spending days behind.

Again maybe club patrons and benefactors have the same outlook now and want to leave those not so distant days behind as well.

New managers, new initiatives and all that stuff.

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