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Posts posted by parsforlife

  1. 1 minute ago, Piracy said:

    I'm kinda confused about their social media strategy. They're getting a lot of it right but then again the frequent digs at other clubs shows a lack of class. 

    It gets engagement numbers up tho, which further generates more engagement if the algorithms pick them up.  You've got to do something that pushes you out of the world of followers of your own club looking for squad updates and team news.  If people stoped reacting it would soon stop.

  2. 1 hour ago, Piracy said:

    I disagree, we should not partake in any initiative that encourages cheating. 

    Ever? and where do you draw the line? Stealing yards at throw in? Timewasting?

    Theres a clear benefit to using a bit (or at times a lot) of gamesmanship, it's why  everyone does it, I don't see what the benefit of never using it

  3. 5 hours ago, Piracy said:

    I'm behind living true sportsmanship. I can't abide players faking injury and deliberate attempts at cheating. It's frustrating seeing games interrupted by this kind of behaviour. You can absolutely compete hard but behave in a fair manner, Rugby does it well.

    Profesional rugby is absolutely full of cheats as is just about every sport, they just push on different rules 

    Its not up to us to change how the game is refereed ultimately, it's up to us to push every rule to its limit for our advantage, should faking injuries stop being rewarded as much players will do it less, until that point, why give up an advantage that our opponents are happy to exploit?

    • Upvote 1
  4. I see the club have also put out a fan survey and also unofficially are looking for feedback on pars tv via .net.  I commend these initiatives.

    Personally I found the fan survey a little difficult, I don't see alot wrong with my treatment of a fan on a match day but I do have other issues that affect my match day experience which weren't addressed for example there was a section on living sportsmanship and it was aimed if I noticed it, but there was nothing in the options that asked for opinions on it. How do I express that I have noticed it but think its a load of bollocks and should be dropped immediately?

  5. 14 minutes ago, Superally said:

    Would have thought it may have been possible in the west terrace in front of the main stand. It wouldn't impede hospitality and there is enough of a section available that shouldn't block the view from the Police/security boxes.

    In terms of standing, I prefer my seat now but I'm not minded. I would like to see alcohol at games but I think that would only ever be likely in a seated section  

    I was more thinking of sight lines for those standing as appose to how standing fans would influence other factors.

  6. 49 minutes ago, SanguinePar said:

    Actually, seems to me that it probably wouldn't be all that hard or expensive to do something like this at the old family enclosure in front of the main stand at EEP.

    Isn't that no longer an option with the hospitality boxes? I think very little of it will offer decent sight lines

  7. 55 minutes ago, GG Riva said:


    I see you left out a couple of Glasgow clubs - that never occurred to me, but for atmosphere, they'd have to go in. 

    The atmosphere those 2 generate is ****ing horrific and I'll take a quiet stadium over that every single time

    • Upvote 2
  8. 9 minutes ago, SanguinePar said:

    I'd go with @parsforlife's list more or less.

    I might chuck out a couple of them though, so that we could have a pair of whipping boys to aid us in staying in the league. Anyone from the bottom half of League 2 would do :-)

    Hadn't thought of it from that angle. In which case the NCL clubs with us instead of Invergordon resulting in being champions, playing in champions league and a **** load of cash.  I'll take that over every single other option. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1. I don't see what's going on at the club that is will put us there in the short term future, so it seems a slightly futile question.

    2.  If it did happen, in no particular order




    Dundee united




    St Mirren





    The last 3 are the quickest to go, they could be replaced easily by a few others but IMO they are currently the clubs who'd bring a bit to east end.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Piracy said:

    Their social media efforts have been particularly annoying, and dare I say it, disrespectful. I'm all for banter but they cunts just acted like billy big baws. Loathsome cretins.

    Just read that, its ****ing hilarious.  'damm those rules, and people enforcing those rules, its unfair'

    And I say that as someone who thinks VAR needs pulled back severely if not completely abolished. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 34 minutes ago, SanguinePar said:

    So a manager complains about something that many managers complain about, and that makes him "a moaning face **** with little appreciation to how good he has it".

    Bit of an overreaction tbh.

    The other managers who moan like he does are also moaning cunts if that helps. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, SanguinePar said:

    What a load of bull.

    Yeah no, he repeatedly has moaned about several problems that only affects big clubs badly and is a good thing for smaller clubs. For example he's repeatedly moaned about too much football, mainly targeting tournaments that profited him less and never once moaned about completely irrelevant tournaments that he doesn't need to play, but improve his club profits.

  13. 1 hour ago, SanguinePar said:

    Which part though? It's all true :-)

    My point though, is that despite those individual things being true on paper, it really wasn't satisfying at all. And as you say we were closer to relegation than promotion.

    I guess what I disagree on is the suggestion staying in the league and a half hearted effort at making the playoffs shouldn't result in apathy, I think that's a natural result.

    1 hour ago, Piracy said:

    I'm still confused what effect one has on the other and how it all comes together regarding managing priorities.

    Whatever happens putting out the best team on the park is a priority imo. I'm in no way advocating shi* or bust, but, there needs to be a deliberate push for top 4 minimum this season. 

    Part 1, I am too, I don't understand why our first team isn't one funded/ pushing to be the best when apparently other projects are outside funded

    Part 2 fully agree

    • Upvote 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, SanguinePar said:

    Thing is, in a way there really shouldn't be apathy - having come up last season, we consolidated our place, challenged for the playoffs until late in the season and next year have Falkirk and hopefully Rovers to look forward to.

    What, if anything, will be the thing to give us a bit of hope and anticipation this time round?

    I disagree with the first statement, we finished 6th much closer to being in the **** play-off or outright relegation than being in the top 4 or a title contender, that's not good enough even with taking into consideration our injuries, which at least some of have been admitted to being poorly managed.

    To create that buzz the club need to clearly show the intent is to gain promotion within the next year and sign players of proven quality that can get fans excited, show that they care more about first team success than anything else. we can't continue with the 'but academy/training ground/it's a long term project ' attitude, it doesn't wash

    • Upvote 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, Grant said:

    Surprised at that, I suppose we're all guilty of operating in our own echo chamber, but all the Pars fans I know are echoing the thoughts on this thread. Going to wait and see how it plays out over the summer. 


    Not sure why the club haven't offered an early bird offer, feel that would've enticed fans in early doors. 

    Been a little while since we offered early bird. Certainly not last season. But I do think it may have been a missed trick for this summer where quite alot are hesitant but few current holders are in the an absolute no camp, it could help get a few more sales over the line knowing you couldn't just wait until opening day to decide if your happy with the summer signings.

    I wouldn't read much into the 500 mark, that's easily covered by those who sign up every season regardless, It's not those sales that we need to worry about.


  16. 3 hours ago, Deutsch Par said:

    Ferguson was always a bizarre appointment after he failed miserably at Forest Green.  Of course him being a ex Rangers player had nothing to do with Gardiner giving him the job...

    Aye brown was another rumoured candidate at the time and it was quite clear there wouldn't be a careful analysis of who would be better as a manager, that decision had already been made in Gardiners head purely by what clubs they had played for.

  17. It is a relentless pursuit of cash,  and it will only end if players/management/fans actually stand up to it, and I don't mean moaning in interviews,  I mean going on strike, be willing to negotiate max number of games and length of season with a recognition that you may need to agree to less money hitting your bank account, and fans just simply not paying out.  Do that and the money pursuit stops, or at least slows down but if your not going to do that you don't really have a leg to stand on.

  18. 1 hour ago, Al k said:

    Making money at the detriment of fans and the game makes him a clown in my book. 

    Depends on what you determine those terms by tho I guess.   

    Though my eyes I find it hard for someone to call themselves a fan when they come from the other side of the world and watch a few games on TV when you've got folk going to every game traveling hours and spending what they can supporting their hometown club.  From their eyes the two are the same.

  19. 1 hour ago, SanguinePar said:

    I don't think anyone was implying that, were they?

    The issue as far as I can see it is the Boring Milner account not just being a fun series of tweets but actually being run/owned by a company working for bookies, and also pushing links to bookies without disclosing the link between them. Seems pretty unethical.

    The Rovers guy being involved just adds a bit of extra interest for us, of course.

    I think the article mentioning the win on rovers losing was a nudge towards match fixing, probably just to boost views tho.

    The boring Milner account was originally just a 'fun' account, but it got a bit of traction and at some point it was bought over, ultimately if a social media account gains traction you'll either start or gain direct financial motivation to push brands and play their tune or you'll be offered a good amount to hand the account over.  I did become aware the Milner account was sold a few years ago but I can't remember the details, I just struggled it off as expected business. It's the same motivation which involves paddy power making fun videos which keep them gambling high on people's agenda.

    Should these links be open, yes I agree, it's a ****ing long process tho. How long were news media doing fluff pieces before they had to put a small sponsored note on links? 

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