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Everything posted by Digs

  1. Sorry, but you can't compare McCann and Jakubiak on anything but goals return. He brings way more to the team in terms of hold up play, link up play, knowing where to run for himself, knowing where to run to create space for others and general ability to play the game than McCann does. It's not even close.
  2. It would have been difficult to wreck the toilets at Brockville given the fact they used to just stream down the terraces.
  3. I had a go at some young lads booting seats as we were leaving and they stopped and moved away quickly when I did. I was then distracted by the bellend behind me on the stairs telling Chris Hamilton, one of our best players on Saturday and a Pars fan himself, to foxtrot oscar for having the temerity to applaud us as he walked off, so he got told as well. I don't understand the mindset of it at all. It has never once crossed my mind to do that no matter how raging I was at the time. Not sure if I'm just getting old or it's getting worse, because it feels like it is.
  4. Fergie mind games. He’s starting.
  5. Sat 9th March Dundee Utd 2 v 1 Arbroath Inverness CT 1 v 1 Airdrie Queens Park 0 v 1 Partick Th Raith Rovers 1 v 2 Dunfermline Ath (11/5986)
  6. We're staying in the toon, at the Old Inn until 2pm and the minibus is going from there. Keep the Black and White pound in the only City in Fife...
  7. Aye, noticed that when I got mine. Maybe people not getting paid until tomorrow too though. You often see lots of folk not getting their tickets until Fri/Saturday
  8. Yeah, that's probably what I'd do. He seems to Like Allan too though so who knows.
  9. Lots are going to O'Connells on the high street. Although that is also where the wee fuds ran in and stole the flag last time, which resulted in the highland dancing on the high street 🤣 We were in the Penny Farthing across the road, which is a much better pub.
  10. The scoreline says that but I'd take issue with most of them being no issue for them. Without getting into a long discussion with anyone about performance vs result like the last time I said this, we haven't played particularly poorly in most of the games. League Cup, draw a fair result. Scottish Cup, deservedly pumped. The rest of the games could easily have gone either way. I also think Bene will start. He's got a huge call to make though. Does he drop Hammy, who has filled in really well for him, particularly the last few games. Or does he drop Otoo to accommodate Hammy in midfield. Or does he drop MFW, to play him alongside Hammy (unlikely that one I'd say). Or does he play Otoo and Hammy and someone else, like Allan drops out with Otoo playing further forward? A wee bit harsh on Allan who appears to be coming onto a game now though who I thought was excellent the other night. We were poorer after he made the 3 changes when he went off. It's great to have these headaches again though.
  11. Sorry, mis-read it but how anyone thinks he could have been at fault for the second is beyond me tbh.
  12. You could see how much they enjoyed it as they ran round the pitch afterwards, they were absolutely buzzing. Well done to the crowd for getting involved and fair play to the young team with the drum going etc too. At a time when there is concern about the clubs links with the fans and how things are being run etc, it was great to see the community spirit is still alive and well at EEP.
  13. Agree. I actually thought Hamilton didn't do enough to get himself goal side. He sort of makes a half effort to block but for me, I'm stretching myself as wide as I can and getting my blocking leg out as much as I can to try and block the shot. He just sort of turns side on to it without doing that.
  14. I saw enough from the last few games, including the other night, to not be negative about it. I've said it all season, and I still maintain, they aren't all that good. Hard to predict, but if Kane plays, we've got a chance to win it. If not, then a draw is the best result for us I think.
  15. Totally agree. This has been happening for years and is usually the scapegoat player. Chalmers is another perfect example of this. I could reel off dozens of players this has been the case with in fact. It's why I've always said that our stands are full of people who have no idea what they are watching. You can be critical of elements of a players play, but if you aren't willing to see the good stuff they do, then you either don't understand the game, or you're a bit of a knob.
  16. Said that at the time, he can't collect in the middle as it's too high, but if he comes for it back post he is on the backfoot, at a stretch and is unlikely to hold it. For me, Edwards, not for the first time, allows himself to be bullied at the back post. As a defender, if you know you can;t make the header, you make sure you do enough to at least put them off physically. That doesn't mean fouling, it means jumping to interfere with their jump, or getting in the way of anything they head back towards goal..
  17. Correct on the second part. The first part? Not so much.
  18. I think 1-0 Pars. We’ve just had two clean sheets on the bounce, 4 undefeated, 8 points from 12 and 6 goals scored. Airdrie have won only 2 games in 6 but both of those have been against the top two teams 🤷‍♂️ It could go either way, but I think we just shade it.
  19. Dunfermline Ath 1 v 0 Airdrie 42/4789 Morton 1 v 1 Dundee Utd
  20. I’ve been saying this out loud for months, in the vain hope that I can manifest it and make it actually happen. I’ve never been that bothered by the Rovers rivalry, I dislike Falkirk more. However, after the way they’ve conducted themselves this season I’d absolutely love to be the ones that left them with egg all over their face and I’d enjoy every single second. It seems fans of a few other teams feel exactly the same too if twitter is anything to go by.
  21. I think that list is pretty spot on.
  22. Fri 1st March Arbroath 0 v 1 Raith Rovers Sat 2nd March Airdrie 1 v 1 Queens Park Dunfermline Ath 1 v 1 Ayr Utd (38/4768) Morton 2 v 0 Inverness CT Partick Th 1 v 2 Dundee Utd
  23. Aye, it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. It just gives off a vibe of ****ing on our heads and telling us it’s raining. As Piracy says, I don’t doubt their motives but if they want anyone to buy into their project then coming out with absolute bollocks like that needs slammed firmly in the bin. Never read so much nonsense in my puff.
  24. There were plenty of people saying before the game that they would have taken a point. I personally don't think it was a terrible result either though, particularly not a terrible result in isolation. However, we showed more than enough at Partick on Friday to suggest that was a winnable game.
  25. Had all the other teams round about us not gotten their inexplicable results that they did, this would have been seen as a decent point, with the added bonus of a clean sheet. The game itself was eye-wateringly poor. Not because we were necessarily terrible, I think we stuck to a game plan of being solid, but both teams showed very little creativity which made it a terrible game to watch. Whomever scored first was going to win that game. Great save from Mehmet for the penalty but another hard luck story for Jakubiak who again did everything right until the finish. Other than that, I can't think of any chances. One thing I will say is that Inverness definitely played not to get beat. In the second half, we struggled to break them down as they had 8 men behind the ball at all times. I thought Chalmers made a difference in terms of getting balls into the box, and it also allowed Edwards to get forward more, but whilst people have been screaming for a back 4 for ages, I think it completely hamstrings Edwards and Welch Hayes, who I thought looked pretty decent. They were both forced into a lot of long balls though, and it was frustrating given there was only one out ball in Jakubiak. Young Holmes did a lot of running but barely kept the ball once. All in all, I'll take a point, but two huge games coming up against rivals who have both picked up huge results tonight.
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