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Everything posted by rosythpar

  1. Someone on pie and bovril saying Robertson has been interviewed, probably rubbish though.
  2. Kenny Miller was talking up the job on open goal the other day. Was laughing at Tam on off the ball on Sunday, when he said he phoned Dick and he was absolutely blootered after the Rangers game lol.
  3. I think he ruled himself out on the radio the other day.
  4. We need a manager with experience, not another coach like Crawford or Grant,a proper manager who's been around the block. Yes an experienced manager like Yogi Hughes did have a bad time at Raith but look at the jobs he did elsewhere. I am worried that someone like Miller or Fotheringham might fit into the Germans philosophy,a young coach? That would relegate us. I still want John Robertson as manager and think he would be a good appointment and the majority of fans would be happy with him
  5. He was mentioned by Billy Braisby after the Hamilton game for getting a job at east end, this was assistaint to Lee McCulloch though not as manager.
  6. We haven't made an approach to Montrose to speak to Petrie and he hasn't applied either at the moment.
  7. Wonder who the new Chairman will be now then?
  8. Will message you,rather than putting it on this mate
  9. Was a small minority at queens but we didnt feel comfortable listening to it so we went to the pubs across the road.
  10. I didnt realise until this season how many idiots we have in our support. The three separate attacks on Ross, someone shouting for a pars player to break Turners leg and sick songs in the pub before QOS away,which led to the boys of our bus having to move pub.
  11. Was it this one? Some of them wont realise the work Ross did behind the scenes for the club.
  12. New CEO coming up from a club down south, I dont think its been a secret that Ross's wife has wanted him to stand down for a while. Enjoy your time with your family Ross and have a well deserved break.
  13. Stevie was wanting the game postponed,dick beat him with mind games in the referees room.
  14. Kenny Millers car spotted out EEP today, now 4/1 with mcbookie. He will be one of many to get interviewed.
  15. John Robertson for me,he done a great job at Inverness on a very tight budget. I am not sure if John wants to be a manager again yet, he is enjoying his role as sporting director and he is also a director at the Orion Group. He must be interested in the job though if he went for an interview if this Graham Hunter is accurate. I always rated John and always thought he would make the step up, Dundee were interested in him before and I would be delighted if we got him.
  16. Think they will be speaking with a few candidates. I personally would be delighted with John Robertson but he might be happy enough with his job at Inverness. He done a brilliant job with Inverness on a tight budget.
  17. Kevin Rutkiewicz meeting the board tomorrow according to someone on pie and bovril.
  18. He had far too many loan signing last season aswell and his away record was shocking. He did have a good league cup record but an absolutely shocking Scottish Cup record. We did have some good performances under him, the Hearts and Rovers at home spring to mind but some poor away ones. Arbroath away last season, Dick Campbell had him beat in the referees office before the game. He took us as far as he could and was time for him to move on.
  19. He done better than Grant but still not good enough, got beaten by Rovers in the playoffs and didnt win a Scottish cup game either- Raith Rovers,Stranraer and Morton.
  20. That's now Shields been part of two failed management teams.
  21. It's going to be interesting to see if the new manager will be allowed to bring in his own coaching team, I think that was one of the reasons Grant got the job because he was willing to work with Shields and Whittaker.
  22. Think shortlist was made up last week, Robertson was on it.
  23. Peter leven now being mentioned
  24. I think my bet on Robertson put him fav lol
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