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Supporters' Council - The Future


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The Supporters' Council is part of the fabric of DAFC and aims to offer a genuine chance for fans to hear from the Board of Directors regularly (and to quiz or challenge them on anything they say.) But it will only work if fans turn out in sufficient numbers to do so.

There were about 40 people in the Purvis Suite last night. We have 3000 season ticket holders, so if you take away the Board members and those involved in organising the meeting, we only attracted about one supporter in a hundred to last night's meeting, and we simply have to do better. It is unfair to expect the Board to turn out in numbers, and the club to employ hospitality staff etc, if fans do not turn up (and I know there will be hundreds of genuine individual reasons why people couldn't do so.)

So at last night's meeting, we opened a debate on what shape the Supporters' Council should take in future. There were some excellent ideas put forward from the floor, particularly along the theme of having a top-rated guest speaker from outwith the club, to go along with the local DAFC information and updates. Some of the ideas were:
- referee supervisor
- member of DAFC football management team
- TV/radio pundit
- former DAFC player
- someone from SPFL/SFA
- someone from another football club
- someone from another club's equivalent of Supporters' Council
- include a stadium tour, particularly undercroft etc
(apologies if I've missed any, they'll all be picked up in the official minutes.)

But it would be great if everyone on this forum would pitch in with their own ideas. Think outside the box as well:
- do you want something different from a conventional meeting?
- should there be a formal membership and committee?
- how can supporters better challenge the Board's decisions?
- do you want different people to do the organising?
- does the online reporting actually reduce the number attending?
- are there too many (or too few) meetings?
- how should meetings be advertised/promoted?
- do we even need the Supporters' Council if we have supporters' clubs?

Not everyone's ideas will be practicable, but to begin with, but let's get them out there in a non-judgmental way and see what diamonds we get.

There is a genuine desire at the club for the Supporters' Council to succeed, but it's up to u̶s̶  you ....

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I think there is complacency amongst some fans that the hard work has been done and the club is now secure.

Personally, i think for a club of our size there are too many groups, who while they all raise funds for the Club, have their own very different agendas.

As such, the very ethos of Pars United is being diluted.  We have the Lifeline, Business Club, PST, Marvs Shop, and the various supporters clubs.

I think the Disabled Access group is quite different, but the point remains.

Perhaps these groups need to collaborate more to make them more sustainable longer term.

Personally i think the SC is a fantastic forum - unfortunately i can't get to many meetings.

Maybe live broadcasts such as Periscope might help with interaction?

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An issue in sticking with a similar format(at the same tine, on the same day) every meeting is eventually even those able to attend start to get bored. Perhaps it could be an idea to pursue different markets with different meetings. I think 3/4 meetings a year is reasonable, but they could target different aspects of our fanbase,  1 taking a quiz night aspect, 1 meet the manager style another sportsman dinner format(call it a club dinner) etc. Even if most only attend 1 of those meetings. Transform 40-50 regulars into 300 attending at least 1 meeting a year.

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An issue in sticking with a similar format(at the same tine, on the same day) every meeting is eventually even those able to attend start to get bored. Perhaps it could be an idea to pursue different markets with different meetings. I think 3/4 meetings a year is reasonable, but they could target different aspects of our fanbase,  1 taking a quiz night aspect, 1 meet the manager style another sportsman dinner format(call it a club dinner) etc. Even if most only attend 1 of those meetings. Transform 40-50 regulars into 300 attending at least 1 meeting a year.

Perhaps add a fundraising element to it.  Or make it a more socially-focused event?

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The Supporters Council is a vital part of the governance structure of our Club.  It is also something that we, as fans, are fortunate to have.

I have been to a few of these meetings, although not as many as I'd have liked, but they are vital to the ongoing growth of our Club imo.

I'll pin the post to see if folks can offer any other ideas on how to improve the format.

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I'm not saying "non-traditional" ways of holding/transmitting meetings are necessarily a bad thing, and maybe that's the preferred option for a generation who often choose to watch football on TV rather than to attend in person.

But anything other than a standard presentation-type meeting will need the involvement of someone with more technical knowhow than any of us currently involved in organising the meetings! But again, that's no bad thing - we won't be around for ever and it would really make sense for someone younger to take things to the next stage, if that's what people want.

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I've been once before and enjoyed it. Will have to try make the next one. I never went as I didn't have any concerns regarding the running of the Club. Probably being complacent on my behalf. 



This is in no way a criticism of you @scottyboy, but i think what you are referring to may be indicative of the mindset of a large section of the fanbase.  Whilst season ticket sales are good and other revenue streams allow the Club to function, the reality is that is it down to a very small hardcore of volunteers that the operational needs of the club are being met.  Almost all of the non-playing aspects of the Club rely heavily on volunteers, but this tends to the same faces most of the time.  In some respects, the volunteering is almost as important as the financial contributions made by so many.  Even things like match day buddying, offering to help in the shop, helping with stewarding at doors to Legends/Charlie Ds, stadium maintenance and helping out at the turnstiles go some way to easing the burden of extra costs. 

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