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Everything posted by Piracy

  1. I heard that Cook was present at the game but hadn't watched it from the main stand. Maybe just ill and keeping himself apart. Our former GM has a former players event today. That's why he'd have been there I suspect.
  2. Were Meggle and Cook both there for the match?
  3. Anybody on here sit in the main stand?
  4. Also looking forward to it. COYP
  5. Gordon Rowan providing the tunes. Superb. COYP
  6. Beaten That is all.
  7. If they're willing to absorb losses in pursuit of their ambitions for the club then fair enough. I'm sure their aspirations are honourable enough, however it's a helluva hit and I'd suggest not sustainable for a club like ours and that is my real problem with this news. If we take another similar hit for this season it's really concerning for me. We've come off the back of the previous Board needing to manage things prudently to ensure we stabilise the club to then running into a situation of 2 consecutive seasons with considerable losses. If we can't get it right on the park and run into a period of deterioration then how long will the Board hang around for?, I really can't begin to answer that, only they will know. I'm not naturally negative in outlook and I try to remain reasonable, fair and pragmatic in life but given what we all endured just over 10 year ago it's surely at least understandable for Pars fans to be concerned. I know that the club get wind of posts like this and they're either uncomfortable with contesting views or wishing folk like me would just shut up, but I won't. Or maybe they don't pay any attention, which is their perogative.
  8. True. Let other big clubs pay the development costs and we can pick them up and hopefully sell them on. Obviously intentional on our part. I'm not against our own academy by the way. It's development a huge cost and on completion very expensive to run. Having just come up from the 3rd tier of our game it's maybe an ambition too far at this stage. But it's the Board baw.
  9. I give in Raymie, furnish me with the answers mate, I've had a long day.
  10. It is. I just worry it's development and the ultimate completion costs are to the detriment of putting the best team we can afford onto the pitch.
  11. That's correct but it's still relevant regarding understanding how much the academy has cost us do far.
  12. The grant we recieved for the training academy was for £325,000 if I remember reading things correctly. It'd be interesting to know how much the costs have been so far so we could understand what % the grant makes up of the overall total.
  13. Step out and have a go like we did against Partick, not reserved caution like against ICT. 2-1 Pars.
  14. We don't want to ever see the club in a mess. I understand the club looking to control the narrative but these figures aren't confidence inspiring.
  15. The Board are obviously both responsible and accountable. I hope to hell they're sure of what they're doing.
  16. I have to agree with much of what you say. It concerns me that under Ross McArthur we returned a small operating profit every season apart from one. Financial prudence had to be part of our clubs culture given what happened in 2013. Now we're reporting a 7 figure loss with a rumoured projected 6 figure loss for this season.
  17. I'm hoping that in efforts to professionalise the club these new club employees with decent salaries are establishing new revenue streams and getting the best deal for the club in contract negotiations etc.
  18. The rumoured £185,000 from Nisbet went straight into the general cash flow did it not? I'm sure that was said at a supporters engagement session.
  19. Didn't want to say I told you so, but, I told you so. That's a big loss and concerning. I'll have a few questions once I've read the statement and try interpret what it may actually mean.
  20. Interesting article and makes a lot of good sense. Football authorities are only really interested in the potential of increased revenue.
  21. It's a concern, maybe illness and not injury (hopefully). Bench is looking better than it has done gor sometime.
  22. Opted for Pars TV tonight rather than travel after that rotten rain and wind today. Feeling a wee bit excited noo.
  23. Feeling optimistic about tonight. I did consider leaving work early and driving up there, might take a daft turn and still do that.
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