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1 minute ago, kelty_par said:

First post on this forum for me, been on .net for a few years now but struggling with someone of the people posting there. Anyway, if true that RM is potentially stepping down to be replaced by Braisby then that for me is a huge worry for our club 

Welcome Kelty. That's the thing that those demanding Ross's head and treating him like dirt don;t understand, who do they think will take over? That's my problem with it all it's knee-jerk, ill-thought out, childish, entitled behaviour. 

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6 minutes ago, Digs said:

Welcome Kelty. That's the thing that those demanding Ross's head and treating him like dirt don;t understand, who do they think will take over? That's my problem with it all it's knee-jerk, ill-thought out, childish, entitled behaviour. 

Agreed, from a business point of view the board have worked wonders for us and have done brilliant. However, I’m sure we can all agree that some of the football decisions that have been made have been poor, sacking AJ 6 months into a deal he shouldn’t have had IMO, and then with this appointment of Grant. Fans just see RM as the face of the board and blame him but no way it’s all on him

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1 hour ago, Fifes Elite said:

To say I am angry about the events of the last week is an understatement, To be clear this nothing to do with Grant or protests (he should be gone imo). In the next week or so I want certain things that have went on in the public domain in particular something that happened on Sunday and yesterday. Over the last few years I have kept my own council and respected people that have told me things in confidence however with the things that have been going on and the consequences that will probably happen because of it has put me in a very angry place. 


i cant say ive heard what this might be but it doesnt sound good 🤔

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25 minutes ago, kelty_par said:

First post on this forum for me, been on .net for a few years now but struggling with someone of the people posting there. Anyway, if true that RM is potentially stepping down to be replaced by Braisby then that for me is a huge worry for our club 

Welcome onboard mate, it may take you a while to get your head round the reasoned argument and decent spuds that post on here. 

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Just now, InsidePar said:

heard what Ross has gone through and if true, then the people who have done that need hounded.  Absolute scum

The vice chairman can just about spell his own name and if he replaced Ross McArthur it would be the worst thing the club could do right now

My mate just told me Ross was spat at,that is shocking if true.

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58 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

Bill Braisby chairman of Dunfermline Athletic. I’d get  banned if I put my thoughts on here. 

I think just about everyone would get banned for their thoughts on that one.

By the way I must have slipped into a parallel universe where I agree with everything you have been posting recently, keep it up.

Those who wish for the removal of Ross should be very careful of what they wish for.

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1 hour ago, Digs said:

If Ross goes, the Germans could soon follow. It was a pre-requisite of the deal that he remained as Chairman.

The tone of that post is a disgrace and unlike these idiots, I took the time to contact those they are directing their anger at, and guess what? I got a response. 

I made my displeasure clear and pointed out that blaming the fans was an error of epic proportions and felt as bad as anything Gavin Masterton said to us that night at the Vine Church. I also said this was making any goodwill, engagement and togetherness they had built up over the years disappear at a rate of naughts.

I won’t share the emails here but trust me when I say that there is more to this. I don’t know what specifically but it was clear this isn’t as cut and dried as it may seem. 

This could mean a few different things, but I’m confident they are directing their anger at the wrong person and even if it is as people seem to think, this wasn’t Ross’s doing. 

On a separate note, that note is dripping with as much entitlement as the last pile of nonsense they came out with. “timid” reaction at QOTS? Are they joking? 

Folk are entitled to be annoyed with the situation, they are entitled to be annoyed at that statement. They are not entitled to demand the removal of a guy who has done so much for this club, not just for free but at his own cost and with zero gain. The people who wrote this don’t have the first clue about what he has and hasn’t done and Demanding the removal of him shows they don’t even understand the club they claim is theirs.

If they don’t understand any of that, that’s not down to the club or Ross, it’s down to their own laziness becasie I only know what I know because I bothered my arse to go and find out.


First time poster here, I post on p and b but dot net is the pits, I have been vocalish on Twitter and called the board cowards I’ll hold my hands up to that but for no other reason than footballing terms.


if what your saying is true and stuff has happened then that is utterly disgusting. I’m all for fans being heard but has to be in a manner than it dosent harm any one or put fear into anyone. 

I tried to email the club but got emails sent straight to spam folder, the email wasn’t calling heads off the board it was actually praising them for what they have done it was about the footballing side.

anyway good to be hear just feel since supporting the pars nearly 30 years and this is the worst I’ve felt about the club.

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I can see Ross' wife saying to him enough is enough time to step down,I think she already wanted him to before. Yes we might not agree on some of his decisions but end of the day he is a fan like us he took a gamble and doesn't deserve to be attacked in the street.  Whoever done this should be banned from east end for life.

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