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Everything posted by SanguinePar

  1. Gallagher according to Airdrie Twitter
  2. So we've probably been alright then.
  3. Assuming United hold on and win, that means that a Rovers loss (or even draw) tomorrow Vs Thistle would allow Utd to clinch the league by beating Ayr. They play Airdrie the week after, and if the league is already won, they may not be as focused as we'd like. So hopefully Rovers win tomorrow (having absolutely shat the bed against Airdrie). All academic if we don't win tomorrow, of course.
  4. A reply: Thanks for your email. There will be a full press release in the media and on official club channels next week around our partnership with the media provider and full information around the screens and sound. This will answer your questions below and more. Fair enough :-)
  5. Fair enough - but which way? Hoping they're not smaller than that!!
  6. Just showing this to someone and his immediate question was - what if it rains? I'm hoping the club/organisers have a contingency plan for that! Maybe the screens are built to be waterproof. Hopefully the artist's impression is also an accurate weather forecast though :-) EDIT - have emailed them to ask about rain, and also to see if they can tell us the exact sizes of the screens. I'm just slightly concerned about how easy/difficult it'll be for people to see them from the back of the Norrie (assuming that it sells that well of course) Said in my email that I'd share the answers here, so will do if I get a reply.
  7. We all knew they'd lie down to Airdrie, etc, etc. FFS Rovers... :-(
  8. Fantastic stuff @Rossmcno1 - shame about the clouds, but still, what a great experience 👍
  9. Carbondale, Illinois showing off a bit - also, they were in the line of the last total eclipse in 2017, jammy devils...
  10. Breathtaking stuff - pretty jealous of the people of Russellville, Arkansas right now! Next total eclipse in the UK is... 2090... baws.
  11. If Rovers and Pars both beat them, that'll at least partially close the goal diff gap. Especially if we could win by 2 or 3, that'd be a huge swing.
  12. Yeah, that was the reason I felt it would be better if fans were on the pitch. Obviously that's not feasible, but it's a shame, would have been fun. Could imagine kids (and big kids) having a wee kickabout on the EEP surface too.
  13. I do wish they'd get the apostrophes sorted though... 🙄
  14. It might be if it was the only way to see the game, but there's still all the usual options too. People can just decide whether they think it's worth it or not, and if not they can stay home or go to the pub.
  15. Agree with all of that, especially about staff being paid. That, plus the costs of hiring the big screens, etc means this was never going to just be a token price. Good to see there's an option to buy all 3 matches for what would work out at £11.66 per match. The real rub will be what is charged for food and drinks. It'll likely be pricier than in local pubs, but hopefully not too much more. I just hope the club get the fundamentals right in terms of the technology, the catering infrastructure and the ticketing. The last thing we need is people having a bad experience (especially missing any of the football itself) and getting aggro about it.
  16. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9rvv5769kno Jack Morris, who spent time at Dunfermline, Rovers and Cowden. Bizarre career trajectory, but good luck to him :-)
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