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KGB is a troll

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Notice the admin on dotnet are posting a shed load of threads and posts to compensate the vast number of posters the site has lost. Very few characters over there now.

If you look at Who's online on .net you will see that Hamish2 (myself) has been shown as "Admin Issues" since I was black carded last November.

I emailed Brian to delete my status as being online and got the following response " 

I have no idea what the reason was for a black card
Still quite mad on the forum but hopefully people will get on with things and stop all this nonsense as its getting out of hand
Did you need back on the forum ?
Brian "
PS I didn't ask him why I was blackcarded, I asked him to remove me from the Who's online list.
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Never mind yours truly being a troll....Brian has posted a thread on the other forum accusing some fans of not having any bottle.

If that's not an attempt to deliberately provoke a negative response from other forum users then I don't know what is...

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This is where Poe's law comes into play.  Wherever there is no clear indication of the author's intent, comments intended to troll other users are indistinguishable from comments meant to be taken seriously.  The object of trolling is to make people believe you're serious (and to get wound up by that) - when in fact you've put most of the effort into subtly demonstrating that you're not.

I always made sure that my dot net fishing trips were in some way transparent.  Most of the time it was pretty obvious from what I was saying that I was at it, but occasionally I would try to make my posts sound a little more honest, albeit with a hint of something outrageous thrown in for good measure.  Enough to get people's backs up, but also enough to confirm to those paying attention that I wasn't being serious.

The most surprising thing for me was that even after it became universally accepted that I was trolling, people still continued getting upset by what I was posting.  They knew I wasn't being serious, but somehow it still really, really upset them.......(one guy even threatened violence).  This is actually quite concerning on a few different levels, and it makes me question the emotional stability of some people who use that forum.  The thought of simply not responding to the utter guff I was posting apparently never entered their minds.

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