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Tory Leadership Challenge?


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Apart from him being a Tory, I have found a new reason to dislike him.

Ha, I came here to post that same thing. What a prat.


I also discovered this unfinished and unsent post re what you said about a new wave of discontent...


I think the cracks are showing over Brexit, as they come to realise what an absolute mess they've made of the entire thing.

They seem to be in denial about how hard this is all going to be, and are still coming out with purile grandstanding nonsense about "blackmail" and the like, when in fact it's simply the EU doing what it's meant to do, standing up for itself, its countries and its people.

Why on Earth they ever thought that there would be no difficulties with all this is beyond me. They were way too keen to dismiss as  "scaremongering", anyone suggesting this might not be simple or indeed a good idea at all. 

Now they're playing poker short stacked and knowing the other side holds all the aces.

What does Europe really need from Britain? Very little I'd argue. Meanwhile we rely on European workers, European trade deals and (though the government obviously wouldn't like this) European legal protection of our rights in the face of a government determined to curtail and compromise them.

Bit of a rant there, but I'm sort of incredulous that we are being run towards a cliff edge by people who (mostly) warned against that same danger but are now willing to charge edgewards while arguing that it's better to have no parachute at all than one we happen to consider too expensive.

This is better argued by Polly Toynbee here by the way. No ointment, only flies.

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Apart from him being a Tory, I have found a new reason to dislike him.

I was going to post earlier that despite the fact that I disagree with him on most things, I respect his honesty and unwillingness to be a mealy mouthed dlck for the sake of having a career.

Even during Brexit campaign I didn't mind him.

As for his views on abortion he has been honest about it. Whilst again, disagreeing with him, the argument about a fetus representing a life is a valid one. It is much more of a moral dilemma than an open and shut case.

He is however a far cry from the evangelical fanatics who preach on this subject and stop just shy of condoning terrorism. He has his point of view and is entitled to it.

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Apart from him being a Tory, I have found a new reason to dislike him.

I was going to post earlier that despite the fact that I disagree with him on most things, I respect his honesty

As for his views on abortion he has been honest about it. Whilst again, disagreeing with him, the argument about a fetus representing a life is a valid one. It is much more of a moral dilemma than an open and shut case.

I respect that he is allowed an opinion, and I suppose I respect that he stood by his views on live TV where there was nowhere to hide, and he stood by his views despite very probably being aware that his views are very much the minority position.

Abortion isn't black and white, and at what point a foetus represents life is a grey area. 

What concerns me about politicians who are so steeped in religion is that religion rarely reflects modern day life, and religious beliefs can cloud meaningful debate.

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I checked his odds months ago and it was around 66/1. Gutted I never put it on.

It's a good move by Mogg. I think Mays days are numbered and she was hoping to limp on until after brexit. I think then Davies would have been the prime candidate to succeed after that. Mogg also said he won't move into the cabinet just to be shut up, so he is clearly setting himself against the primeminister with comments like that. Remember Mogg supported Boris, then Gove then someone else instead of May in the leadership election.


 Mogg has got the support of he younger members of the party. Personally I think he would be a disaster for the Tory party, the party itself is going backward, he gives the media the sound bites they crave at the moment but when they examine his opinions the public won't take to him. End of the day the country is pretty paralysed by debt, and we are in a rock and a hard place if we put up interest rates. 

I suppose the problem is though the Tories are obsessed with winning power, while labour won't move enough at the moment to appeal to the central England voters to win. 


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Mogg has got the support of he younger members of the party. Personally I think he would be a disaster for the Tory party, the party itself is going backward, he gives the media the sound bites they crave at the moment but when they examine his opinions the public won't take to him. End of the day the country is pretty paralysed by debt, and we are in a rock and a hard place if we put up interest rates.

I think his views on abortion will be his downfall. On that basis alone, Im not prepared to listening to any of his other views.

Its a bit like Trump..... Trump will always be remembered for the Wall. I dont remember his other policies. I can imagine Mogg will be remembered for Anti-Abortion, but little else.

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Mogg has got the support of he younger members of the party. Personally I think he would be a disaster for the Tory party, the party itself is going backward, he gives the media the sound bites they crave at the moment but when they examine his opinions the public won't take to him. End of the day the country is pretty paralysed by debt, and we are in a rock and a hard place if we put up interest rates.

I think his views on abortion will be his downfall. On that basis alone, Im not prepared to listening to any of his other views.

Its a bit like Trump..... Trump will always be remembered for the Wall. I dont remember his other policies. I can imagine Mogg will be remembered for Anti-Abortion, but little else.

Weirdly enough I don't think his views on abortion are that unpopular. I think many people religious or not do think that life begins at the point of fertilisation. It's an argument I actually don't get involved in because I have no idea what my own stance is. I'm pretty conflicted on the whole thing.

He also is getting popularity from the public because he is "honest".

I really really don't trust him at all and it's a totally backward step for everyone if he becomes primeminster....even more than may and she comes across as a 1950s vicars wife


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