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Alcohol in Scottish Football stadiums


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There is a glimmer of hope that sense is starting to prevail: 


Glasgow would be the only city in the Euros with no booze in the grounds.

There is however fuddery afoot from a predictable source:

“The Scottish Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, said it would strongly oppose the idea.

It said there was evidence that football authorities were already struggling to manage crowds appropriately.

David Hamilton, the SPF's vice chairman, said: "We don't have the same problems in rugby stadia that we do in football. 

"We don't see toilets being trashed, we don't see pyrotechnics. 

"They are particular problems for football and the idea of adding alcohol to that mix does not seem to make sense."“

I will avoid an early morning profanity ridden rant on this, but I have to say that I find their attitude to be somewhat frustrating.

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1 hour ago, The Beer Baron said:

"....struggling to manage crowds appropriately.."


**** off! What utter ****! 

Aye, I'd like to know what they mean by this. It's utter, utter garbage. Why are they allowed to continually get away with these lies?

It also seems to me that once again they're dancing around the issue and trying not to mention what the problem is, that being the cretins that make up the Sevco and Celtic support.

1 hour ago, Superally said:

I find it equally frustrating, and there should be no discrimination between how supporters in football and rugby are treated. However we still have the moronic support element of the old firm that spoils it for everyone and thus we are treated like children.

They don't seem to realise that a lot of folk are both rugby and football fans and can, and do, go to watch both sports regularly.

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Is it lies though?  Playing Devils Advocate for a second.........

Look at the way folk (alledgedly) acted towards Sandy Clark at the weekend.  An example close to home, and I wonder if whoever was involved had been drinking before the game? 

The flipside to all this is that it is often the attitude of police towards spectators that cause the grievance that lead to these various stand offs.  I often think that when England travel abroad for example, the police have a perception of the havoc that could occur, and incidents escalate because police adopt a zero-tolerance attitude to the slightest high jinx.  Same here with our cops, and football fans.  But that comes from archaic attitudes at the highest levels, from senior staff who haven't stepped foot in a football ground in ten, fifteen, twenty years.

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3 minutes ago, Vinnie said:

Is it lies though?  Playing Devils Advocate for a second.........

Look at the way folk (alledgedly) acted towards Sandy Clark at the weekend.  An example close to home, and I wonder if whoever was involved had been drinking before the game? 

The flipside to all this is that it is often the attitude of police towards spectators that cause the grievance that lead to these various stand offs.  I often think that when England travel abroad for example, the police have a perception of the havoc that could occur, and incidents escalate because police adopt a zero-tolerance attitude to the slightest high jinx.  Same here with our cops, and football fans.  But that comes from archaic attitudes at the highest levels, from senior staff who haven't stepped foot in a football ground in ten, fifteen, twenty years.

A few folk shouted some things?

Who was hurt? What police resources were used contain this massive menace?

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4 hours ago, Superally said:

I find it equally frustrating, and there should be no discrimination between how supporters in football and rugby are treated. However we still have the moronic support element of the old firm that spoils it for everyone and thus we are treated like children.

Imo the Police turn a blind eye to people acting like bellends at the rugby and just pretend its not happening, similar to what happens when we play either sevco or celtic at EEP

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52 minutes ago, Poundland Keyser Soze said:

Pretty sure I looked up the figures and there's more arrests per customer at the last T in the park than at football games. I think I even posted them on here.


English football is famed for its hooliganism and they didn't see the need to ban it down there.

@Captain Deadpool posted figures on Football vs T In The Park arrests in here  previously.

I remember the differences being quite big in fact in the favour of football.

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6 hours ago, Poundland Keyser Soze said:

Pretty sure I looked up the figures and there's more arrests per customer at the last T in the park than at football games. I think I even posted them on here..

Wouldn't the police argue though that that's because of there being booze at one and not the other?

I don't agree with that, and I definitely want beer to be allowed at matches, but I have a feeling that would be their response.

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People drink before the games, often at the venue itself albeit in a different section of the ground. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that if people were able to have that drink inside the stadium rather than next door to it that they'd suddenly become violent or require police intervention. In fact it might make the police's job easier if people staggered their entry (No pun intended) to arrive earlier and have a pint at the ground rather than everyone necking their last drink and rushing along to the ground trying to get in at 2.55. 

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2 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

People drink before the games, often at the venue itself albeit in a different section of the ground. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that if people were able to have that drink inside the stadium rather than next door to it that they'd suddenly become violent or require police intervention. In fact it might make the police's job easier if people staggered their entry (No pun intended) to arrive earlier and have a pint at the ground rather than everyone necking their last drink and rushing along to the ground trying to get in at 2.55. 

Given Scotland is the odd man out in Europe, there is no shortage of case studies to look at - England being the most obvious one. 

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