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Pars v Arbroath


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Merry Xmas to all and as we head in the second half of the season we have no need to be reminded that the well-deserved part time league leaders Arbroath have absolutely mullered us this season with two defeats scoring 7 and The Pars replying with 2. The Bunnet’s Red Litchies marched to the top of the table without Dick and Pink being in the dugout and had 6 players missing. Rab Douglas took the players in a stuffy match against Morton that was won at the death. Indeed, the form guide confirms they are the team to beat collecting 11pts from their last 5 games. Equaling Partick with scoring 30 goals and are the second meanest defence allowing just 14 to slip by. It shouldn’t be all doom and gloom as a Pars fan albeit second bottom with a game in hand, performances have improved significantly. We are no longer an easy touch with 4 other teams losing more games, 3 other teams conceding more goals and 3 teams have scored less. Although the Killie game was wiped out due to fog there were signs we were the strongest team and there was decent chances to suggest with could have taken points up the road. The last outing at Gayfield was a frustrating affair taking a 2-0 nil lead with an O’Hara double followed by a team that self-imploded with confidence deserting them. However there does seem to be an element of confidence returning and performances are more consistent. If only we didn’t give away an early penalty! I think there is a decent chance of taking something from this, I’ll take the point, 1-1. COYP

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Was at the Newcastle - City game with the boy and watching that put where we are into perspective, looking distinct underdogs against the mighty Arbroath. There was enough in the Killie game to give me a bit hope, think we are a different proposition to the lame ducks that lost at East End and up the road. Point wouldn't be a disaster but as usual the heart says 3-2 pars. Why do I set myself for disappointment week in week out😂

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Yes, I agree with you, Superally. It can be beyond frustrating watching a blank unresponsive screen as the clock ticks over to kick-off time. The earlier you get yourself organised with PPV, the better. I have just paid for mine.

As for the game, we are long overdue a bit of luck against the Campbell brothers. Time to wipe the smile off their glaikit self-satisfied faces...  3-0 Pars!  :)



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