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Changes to Layout

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Hi again @sabino - there doesn't seem to be any "off-the-shelf" plugin for this.

You can however, sort the order of the topics in any forum, by a number of criteria, including topics which you have posted in.

We may need to look at amending some CSS code at some stage to bring these kinds of feature in, but I don't have any of that expertise I'm afraid.

Keep the ideas coming though! 

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Team - can we please just have a single football forum - there is no need to separate out pars / non pars threads - I still find the whole front end too cumbersome so anything to simplifiy it would really help IMHO

To be honest, I find that Pars related threads tend to get buried in a general football forum but this has been discussed and watch this space...  

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Decent shout @DougieDave - that would be a significant change to the layout.

Happy to implement it if it's the popular choice.

What do other users think?

If you'd prefer ONE combined Football Forum, please 'Like' this post.

If you prefer the layout as it is, please 'Unlike' my post.

Don't worry about my rep score.  It's all in a good cause lol.

Hope this approach suits you DD.

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