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Allegedly unattractive surfer

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Sorry,can't do links,but the recent thread about physically attractive sportspeople drew my attention to a recent BBC article about a surfer who's regarded as too unattractive to be sponsored...it's a very interesting piece,and I can categorically assure you that she's a damn sight better looking than Andy Murray...if anyone can help me with a link,I would be greatly appreciative,since I find it to be an interesting take on how modern sport is perceived with regard to personal appearance...thanks in advance...


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She's definitely not ugly, but that should have the square root of hee-haw to do with it anyway. What is the point of sponsoring a surfer who is stunning, but constantly comes last in competitions? Your brand will never be seen. If you're sponsoring someone at the top of their game, it will get constant exposure. It makes no sense.

I'd also suggest for her part, that she is possibly targeting the wrong brands.

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I watched her video and hardly saw anything of her.  On that basis, my brand wouldn't be seen.  The one part of her body that I saw enough of was her arm that she was using for balance.  To me it looked as if it was already tattooed?  So there is another reason my logo wouldn't be seen.

The other thing is, how much time does a surfer spend on telly?  The non-oil painting that is Andy Murray (as someone used as an example earlier) is often on court for 90mins and more.  Andy Murray wears a plain top, a brand logo stands out.  Far easier to sponsor a tennis player than a surfer.

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