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How many folks on these boards do any kind of fitness?

Ive just started training for my second half marathon, and was up and out hitting the streets by 6am.  Only 5km and only out for 27 minutes, but its a start.  Need to step it up, my half marathon is in May O.o

Anybody get up at stupid times? What sort of distances do folks try to squeeze into a spare hour?  


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I average about 60 miles a week at the minute! Keep going, it's worth it in the end. The biggest advice I could give to people starting from little mileage always gets met with a funny look: slow yourself down. I reckon many people run too fast. Like above you have said "only" for 27 minutes, which means that you're already naturally focused on how fast you are able to run. When building up mileage it's best to ignore pace, and focus on spending time on your feet. The speed will come later!

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Cheers Pennywise.  I say only 27 minutes, in that 27 minutes doesn't sound like a huge amount of exercise in my head.   

I can play football for 90 minutes, although that's stop, start, and sprints. 


There's nothing better than the high you feel after a run! 

Also, which half marathon are you doing Vinnie?

Well, I haven't actually entered yet, but planning to run Loch Leven.

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I'm a sporadic runner full of great intentions. When I'm in the zone, I can do a 5/7/10k a week and enjoy it, and keep that up for months. 

Having just come back from holiday, I'm not in one of those zones and I've struggled to motivate myself in the cold weather and I point blank refuse to run in wind and rain. 

I usually just try and make a distance and beat my own times. How much/what/when I've eaten effects it as does drinking water. If I can give you one tip, it's keep yourself properly hydrated at all times. I try and drink about 3-4 litres per day. You **** like a racehorse but you'd be surprised how much energy just drinking water gives you. 

I need to get me backside back in gear though, and will be trying to get out over the weekend, as my one 30 min run on the beach on holiday failed to stop the waistline expanding from the All inclusive :D

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I wish I had your enthusiasm. I only started because I had to jack in playing football to keep me fit, and stop me becoming a bloater. I don't particularly enjoy it though, except for the feeling of satisfaction you get from completing a distance. I'm literally hating it sometimes when I'm in the middle of it. I do enjoy the thinking time though. It's a bit of 'me' time, which is why I don't like running with others.

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For me its the satisfaction of completing a challenge, or beating a target.  Like Digs, its I sometimes get halfway round and wonder why the hell Im doing it?  Todays challenge was a hill climb of 100 metres over approximate distance of 1500m.  Challenge completed so very happy.




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Started doing a bit running last year and was slowly building a bit of distance. Got lazy soon after and would be back to trying from scratch if I attempted it. Was getting up at 5.30am to do it, wish I could motivate myself to start it again.

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Started doing a bit running last year and was slowly building a bit of distance. Got lazy soon after and would be back to trying from scratch if I attempted it. Was getting up at 5.30am to do it, wish I could motivate myself to start it again.

I get up at that time too!  I find that if I try and run after work, I just cant be arsed.  If I sit down for five minutes, Ive no chance! 

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