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Threat to supporters in stadia.

Rengade Master

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10 hours ago, Digs said:

Nope, that’s not how it works. Yes, people who work at Sky are offered the benefit but only for them. If they want their family members included they’ve got to pay for it, like the majority of companies who offer this. Mine for example would cost me £100 a month to have my entire family on it. 

Im not against it, it paid for my sons knee surgery two years ago and also my own 15 years ago. It has its place but let’s not kid on that it will benefit everyone. If you’re lucky enough to have it, absolutely use it, but it’s still a minority of people who do and forcing everyone to pay by stealth is not a good thing.

To be clear, I can afford it, and will use it both for my own benefit when required and my family but it doesn’t necessarily alleviate all the burden in the NHS as most of the consultants are also NHS consultants as well. Forcing the NHS down the private route does not benefit the majority and should be fought against all the way. 

Does that make me a hypocrite? Maybe it does, but I’ll happily pay extra to use it if it means I’m not clogging up an appointment system. 

Mrs has been there over 20 years and was offered the full family package of healthcare at no extra cost so must have changed at some point.

However the number of firms that offer it nowadays all over the UK is absolutely huge and will be well into the millions who benefit from it. The very same folk who pay the huge taxes to benefit the NHS but are then encouraged not to use it. 

Having read of recent tragedies of tumours etc being missed while waiting for CT, MRI, Ultrasound scans I'm more than complicit like you to use the benefits of the private healthcare for the health of my family.

The NHS will never be privatised and will always be there for those who need it. The balance will always come from staffing both the private and NHS systems which is where I see future problems.

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15 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

There’s literally no way you can claim that with any degree of certainty. 

Will never happen, more so now than ever the security of it is being guaranteed by the fact that those who can go private are, but are still paying via taxes to pay for the NHS.

In football terms it's like paying for 2 season tickets knowing you can only watch 1 game on a Saturday afternoon but you are supporting the other team by proxy.

Have governments and large private companies incentivised the scheme very very likely. Would the NHS be in far worse state without private healthcare. Yes it would be totally on it's knees.

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50 minutes ago, Rengade Master said:

Will never happen, more so now than ever the security of it is being guaranteed by the fact that those who can go private are, but are still paying via taxes to pay for the NHS.

In football terms it's like paying for 2 season tickets knowing you can only watch 1 game on a Saturday afternoon but you are supporting the other team by proxy.

Have governments and large private companies incentivised the scheme very very likely. Would the NHS be in far worse state without private healthcare. Yes it would be totally on it's knees.

Utter nonsense and literal apologist crap for the NHS being critically underfunded. The reason you can’t say there’s no chance the NHS will be privatised is because people like you actually make it more likely  it will be. I despair at the attitude. Genuinely ridiculous 

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1 hour ago, Keyser Soze said:

Utter nonsense and literal apologist crap for the NHS being critically underfunded. The reason you can’t say there’s no chance the NHS will be privatised is because people like you actually make it more likely  it will be. I despair at the attitude. Genuinely ridiculous 

Think you will find I have pointed out the NHS needs more funding and quoted rather than doing another lockdown and paying billions in grants and furlough spend it on the NHS.

Also I mentioned an overhaul of management to get more Drs and nurses on the wards to treat patients.


It seems you just read what you want to read as a reason to take umbrage with folk! Never ideas or suggestions just constant negativity towards posters who don't agree with your outlook. 🤷‍♂️

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6 hours ago, Rengade Master said:

Will never happen, more so now than ever the security of it is being guaranteed by the fact that those who can go private are, but are still paying via taxes to pay for the NHS.

In football terms it's like paying for 2 season tickets knowing you can only watch 1 game on a Saturday afternoon but you are supporting the other team by proxy.

Have governments and large private companies incentivised the scheme very very likely. Would the NHS be in far worse state without private healthcare. Yes it would be totally on it's knees.

Your not paying for 2 season tickets,  your paying for one via tax and then paying for a chance to skip the turnstile queue.  The private healthcare system massively relies on the NHS,  punting a lot of the costly stuff on. 

Anyway,  if you have large sums of cash available to yourself personally allowing queue skipping and others are struggling then it suggests the requirement to fund the system far better,  and if taxing those who can afford the luxuries is a way to do that then that’s the path we should follow.

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5 hours ago, Mr Mac said:

With regards to Omicron appearing to be less severe based on evidence from South Africa, the other thing we need to be aware of is that it is summer in S.A......

Also as a nation they haven't had as high percentage uptake on the vaccine. Not quite sure how that affects that evidence too. 

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8 hours ago, 1950Par said:

Back to the old fashioned way 

Covid-19 cases in the UK soared past 93,000 to reach a record high for the third consecutive day on Friday, as researchers warned there was “no evidence” that Omicron was milder than the Delta variant. The Imperial College London research, which analysed UK infection data, casts doubt on the hopes of some experts, based on reports from medics in South Africa, that a change in the virulence of the new variant would limit pressure on health systems. An emergency meeting of ministers will be held on Saturday to examine the latest Omicron data, which one government insider described as “pretty bleak”. Another described the threat of the variant as “potentially pretty terrifying”. Coronavirus booster shots could provide about 85 per cent protection against severe illness from Omicron, and more than 90 per cent protection against death, 60 days after being administered, the study also found. But Prof Azra Ghani, an epidemiologist at Imperial and one of the study’s authors, said the record-breaking infection levels from Omicron could still lead to “a large number of people requiring hospitalisation”. Another senior government official said there was growing concern over hospital pressures in London, the epicentre of Omicron in the UK. “It’s been another record day of cases . . . and we’re monitoring London hospitalisation data closely,” the person said. In a worst-case scenario, daily deaths from the Omicron wave could number in the thousands, exceeding last winter’s peak, the study said. But Ghani emphasised the figures were “an illustration of the need to act rather than a prediction”.

Well, one thing is certain - they can't both be right. We'll find out soon enough, I expect. The fact that it's summer in S. Africa now, but far less people have been vaccinated, muddies the waters even further.

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1 hour ago, GG Riva said:

Well, one thing is certain - they can't both be right. We'll find out soon enough, I expect. The fact that it's summer in S. Africa now, but far less people have been vaccinated, muddies the waters even further.

South Africa's age demographic is much younger than the UK's. 

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I am delighted to see that Keyzer Soze and Rengade Master are performing random stress tests on this forum to ensure that its soundness and integrity are properly maintained. We can't have this forum slipping from its impeccable behaviour standards...  

Very well done, lads!





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On 18/12/2021 at 19:50, GG Riva said:

Well, one thing is certain - they can't both be right. We'll find out soon enough, I expect. The fact that it's summer in S. Africa now, but far less people have been vaccinated, muddies the waters even further.

You can also flip it back the other way and mention that they have a far higher population of immunosuppressed people than we do, due to the prevalence of diseases like AIDS. 

One thing no-one seems to be asking or answering for me is why, when we are told it usually takes two-three weeks for how bad things are to be seen, which has now started to come to fruition that we aren't seeing hospitalisation and deaths rising in the same manner as cases? In fact, in Scotland it has consistently been falling for both (see below). Only in NI have the death rates gone up. You can also argue that mortality rates always go up at this time of year anyway.

Listen, I'm no crackpot, nor a denier of how serious it is, I've had it,  and don't claim to be an expert, I'm just trying to apply some logic to this. I'd far rather they just explained this sort of thing in simple terms, ie what it means when they talk about the serious factors rather than talking about 'a tsunami of cases' etc. It's not helpful IMO. They go on about the modelling meaning case numbers could mean X and deaths could be Y with exponential growth. Not once have any of these doomsday scenarios ever come to pass, not even close.

Yes, the mitigations put in place will have been responsible for that to an extent and the vaccines definitely have, so surely that being the case, why the panic? We can see people are getting their jags, they are self policing as no-one is going anywhere and when you do, everywhere is dead in relation to what it's normally like this time of year. 

I just wish they stopped the sensationalism and just stuck to clear, concise facts. 




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My season ticket is already paid for, so the club won’t lose out in that sense, but walk up crowds obviously be a huge hit to us. Found it really hard watching the streams towards the end of last season, just got really boring for me. Not sure if I could go back to watching it, might see if I can get some overtime shifts on a Saturday instead. Also, I’d love for the evidence to be shown today that football fans/crowds have ever played in a big outbreak of cases. Or is our government out to target football fans yet again?

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