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Ok. So a few of us have posted our frustrations in different threads but I feel this needs a dedicated one.

The B.o.D have badly let down the club this season.  We keep hearing how they are pars fans and have got investment into the club,  

But does that matter when their running of  the club is costing us huge sums? 

So much is being badly handled, but unlike the players or manager they can’t simply be sacked and replaced.

How do we move on from here?   I think the most important thing to happen is for them to look introspectively at where they have failed, show their integrity and hold their hands up to their mistakes. 

Will that happen over the next week or so? I unfortunately have a lot of doubt.

Edited by parsforlife
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3 hours ago, scottyboy said:

They got it wrong on managerial appointments,  but the financial side they got it right. Unfortunately that's why we relegated. 

Have they got it right recently on the financial side? It was mentioned by Ross at a supporters meeting that the club was very close to being in big trouble after AJ was sacked and 2 directors bailed us out.

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I like most of the board members with the interactions I have had with them but I don't think we can pretend that we were unlucky this year and unfortunately everyone involved at the club is going to recieve criticism for the decisions been made. They made the right appointment with AJ at the time but after his new contract and extra budget the clubs struggled to move forward and that's 3 managers now.

I think for some of the guys they have done their bit with saving the club and running it but it does need some fresh ideas and energy I think. Problem is its a small pool of people in the town that new directors would be coming from so who those people might be im not sure. I'm also not sure an entirely new board with no experience of running a club is the right idea either so finding a balance of experience and new ideas would probably be best. The germans also don't seem as enthusiastic as they once were reading between the lines, probably after the whole spitting thing and bizarre rants when they were introduced to supporters clubs/volunteers.


In terms of other directors people have dropped little hints here and there(like don't put money into the lifeline as an example) as to why they need booted out the club but whenever I have tried to sit people down over a pint to get to the bottom of it all I never get anywhere. So feck knows if it's folk just being bitchy or if there is real underlying issues around the club/boardroom. I'm not really close enough to the club these days to really know but I'm finding it to be a bit of a distraction.

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Posted this on the Yogi thread, probably sits Better here with a few tweaks. 

No one either employed by or who volunteers for this club, wants anything other than the best.  So while their best hasn’t been good enough, we mustn’t get personal.

That out of the way, its time for drastic change in the boardroom and dugout.  Now.  

Collectively, the board have overseen a decline that you can trace back a few years now, along with a widening chasm between the ordinary supporter and the club.  From the continuous ridiculously negative tone of communication from club to fans, the tone deaf pricing and entrance decisions, right through to continued poor unambitious decision making on football matters.  There has been a culture of underperformance, meek behaviours and an undercurrent of rot in this club the last 4 years - and we’re now seeing the result of it all.

I feel sorry for the Germans, they may have been able to look under the hood of the financial model, and indeed lots of success there.  But they have failed to appreciate the looming impact of poor decisions and strategy on the football park, along with the attitude from some of our board towards supporters that is permeating thorough so much.  They might be able to find cash for training ground (which I think regardless of where we are League wise we need to make work for the future), but what they probably need to do now, is really build bridges with the support and demonstrate their commitment and share their plans.  This also goes for our new CEO.  Now it is time for him to show his hand and what he plans to do - I just hope he has a clear run to get things sorted, and there is no resistance from the afore mentioned board.

 As for the playing squad, other than the 4 young lads (Todd, McCann, Allan, Fenton) and Edwards, the rest can go for me.  Every one of them, not good enough or won’t have the necessary appetite.

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1 hour ago, Fifes Elite said:

I like most of the board members with the interactions I have had with them but I don't think we can pretend that we were unlucky this year and unfortunately everyone involved at the club is going to recieve criticism for the decisions been made. They made the right appointment with AJ at the time but after his new contract and extra budget the clubs struggled to move forward and that's 3 managers now.

I think for some of the guys they have done their bit with saving the club and running it but it does need some fresh ideas and energy I think. Problem is its a small pool of people in the town that new directors would be coming from so who those people might be im not sure. I'm also not sure an entirely new board with no experience of running a club is the right idea either so finding a balance of experience and new ideas would probably be best. The germans also don't seem as enthusiastic as they once were reading between the lines, probably after the whole spitting thing and bizarre rants when they were introduced to supporters clubs/volunteers.


In terms of other directors people have dropped little hints here and there(like don't put money into the lifeline as an example) as to why they need booted out the club but whenever I have tried to sit people down over a pint to get to the bottom of it all I never get anywhere. So feck knows if it's folk just being bitchy or if there is real underlying issues around the club/boardroom. I'm not really close enough to the club these days to really know but I'm finding it to be a bit of a distraction.

I was speaking to a former player on Friday and he said he wouldnt trust the boys involved with the lifeline and they have done the dirty on a few people at the club. I think the majority of the fans are now realising who the problem at the club is going by Twitter and the other forum.

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36 minutes ago, rosythpar said:

I was speaking to a former player on Friday and he said he wouldnt trust the boys involved with the lifeline and they have done the dirty on a few people at the club. I think the majority of the fans are now realising who the problem at the club is going by Twitter and the other forum.

You have just proven my point. Anonomous ex player says some people (un-named) might have done something at some point and not to trust said un-named people(or is it all the people in the lifeline?).No real facts. And it could cause people to think twice about putting money into the lifeline. I'm sort of over all this patter now, if folk have seen individuals doing something untoward let's just get it out there rather than this pishy cryptic nonsense it's a distraction. Like I said earlier I have tried to seek out people who were involved in the club privately(and confidentially offering to go for a pint so it's not typed in messages etc) but with no luck. All very frustrating.

End of the day if people really want certain folk out of the club they really need to be coming out with something more tangible than all this.

Edited by Fifes Elite
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5 minutes ago, SanguinePar said:

Well who is it? I keep hearing this sort of thing and have no idea who or what is being referred to.

Aye this.  Getting more than boring the constant “in the know” pish from a number of fronts with nods to fear of reprisals.  Isn’t this what delayed the final outing of wha was going on pre admin?   

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If you want to know do your own digging.

All the information is here on the internet from the directors of the club to the directors of EEP.

It takes a while but you can learn a lot.


Personally I think RM has been duped, and outvoted on things and he sees the future and wants no further part of it!

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